- degraded landscape
- деградированный ландшафт
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Landscape architecture — involves the investigation and designed response to the landscape. The scope of the profession includes architectural design, site planning, environmental restoration, town or urban planning, urban design, parks and recreation planning. A… … Wikipedia
Landscape ecology — is the science and art of studying and improving the relationship between spatial pattern and ecological processes on a multitude of scales and organizational levels (Wu 2006, 2008; Wu and Hobbs 2007). In a broad sense, landscape ecology… … Wikipedia
Tourist landscape — A tourist landscape can be described as constructed through a variety of symbolic and material transformations of an original physical and/or socioeconomic landscape in order to serve the interests of tourists and the tourist industry. Since the… … Wikipedia
Whitchurch–Stouffville — Town of Whitchurch–Stouffville Town Main Street, Whitchurch–Stouffville … Wikipedia
Albert Morris — was born on 13 August 1886 in Bridgetown, South Australia. Faced with the depression in the South Australia of the late 1880s, Morris s father sought work in the new mines of the Barrier ranges and moved his family to Broken Hill to live.Morris… … Wikipedia
Cronulla sand dunes, Kurnell Peninsula — Looking over the dunes, south towards Cronulla. The Cronulla sand dunes are located on the Kurnell Peninsula in the local government area of Sutherland Shire, Sydney Australia. The Cronulla sand dunes are a protected area that became listed on… … Wikipedia
Hay-Zama Lakes — is a 58,600 hectare (152,360 acre) inland wetland and wildland parkCite web url=http://tpr.alberta.ca/parks/landreferencemanual/wildlandparks.aspx title=Wildland Parks publisher=Government of Alberta accessdate=2008 06 02] in northwestern Alberta … Wikipedia
ЛАНДШАФТ ДЕГРАДИРОВАННЫЙ — ландшафт, утративший под влиянием антропогенных воздействий способность выполнять определённые функции (Болгарский язык; Български) деградиран ландшафт (Чешский язык; Čeština) devastovaná krajina (Немецкий язык; Deutsch) degradierte Landschaft… … Строительный словарь
ландшафт деградированный — Ландшафт, утративший под влиянием антропогенных воздействий способность выполнять определённые функции [Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР)] EN degraded landscape DE degradierte Landschaft FR paysage… … Справочник технического переводчика
Grant Jones (architect) — Landscape architect Grant Jones has practiced ecological design for 30 years, pioneering river and greenway planning, scenic highway design, zoo design and landscape aesthetics. Jones is the Founding Principal of Jones Jones which is located in… … Wikipedia
Wetland — For other uses, see Wetland (disambiguation). The Florida Everglades massive wetland system in the United States saw 1.7 billion gallons of fresh water flushed from it daily and pumped into the ocean following one of the most successive water… … Wikipedia