- deep etching
- глубокое травление
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
deep etching — gilusis ėsdinimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. deep etching vok. Tiefätzen, n rus. глубокое травление, n pranc. décapage profond, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Deep-etching — Глубокое травление; Углублённая гравюра … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Deep-etching solution — Раствор для углубляющего травления … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Deep reactive-ion etching — (DRIE) is a highly anisotropic etch process used to create deep penetration, steep sided holes and trenches in wafers, with aspect ratios of 20:1 or more. It was developed for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), which require these features,… … Wikipedia
Etching (microfabrication) — Etching tanks used to perform Piranha, Hydrofluoric acid or RCA clean on 4 inch wafer batches at LAAS technological facility in Toulouse, France Etching is used in microfabrication to chemically remove layers from the surface of a wafer during… … Wikipedia
Deep Reactive Ion Etching — Reaktives Ionentiefenätzen (engl. Deep Reactive Ion Etching, DRIE), eine Weiterentwicklung des reaktiven Ionenätzen (RIE), ist ein hoch anisotroper Trockenätzprozess für die Herstellung von Mikrostrukuren in Silicium mit Aspektverhältnissen (das… … Deutsch Wikipedia
deep etch — noun : the etching of an offset printing plate to such a degree that the printing area becomes slightly recessed and thereby productive of sharper definition and longer runs … Useful english dictionary
freeze etching — If a freeze fractured specimen is left for any length of time before shadowing, then water will sublime off from the specimen etching (lowering) those surfaces that are not protected by a lipid bilayer. Some etching will take place following any… … Dictionary of molecular biology
Deep(ing) etching — Глубокое травление (при изготовлении клише и форм глубокого офсета) … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Reactive-ion etching — (RIE) is an etching technology used in microfabrication. It uses chemically reactive plasma to remove material deposited on wafers. The plasma is generated under low pressure (vacuum) by an electromagnetic field. High energy ions from the plasma… … Wikipedia
Dry etching — refers to the removal of material, typically a masked pattern of semiconductor material, by exposing the material to a bombardment of ions (usually a plasma of reactive gases such as fluorocarbons, oxygen, chlorine, boron trichloride; sometimes… … Wikipedia