decadent style

decadent style
декадентский стиль

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "decadent style" в других словарях:

  • décadent — décadent, ente [ dekadɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. et n. • 1516, repris au XIXe; lat. médiév. decadens → décadence 1 ♦ Qui est en décadence. Période, époque décadente. Art décadent. Monarchie décadente. Peuple décadent. 2 ♦ (v. 1882) L école décadente : l… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • decadent — [dek′ə dənt; ] also [ di kād′ nt] adj. [Fr décadent: see DECADENCE] in a state of decline; characterized by decadence n. 1. a decadent person, esp. a writer or artist active in a period of decadence 2. [often D ] any of a group of late 19th cent …   English World dictionary

  • decadent — decadently /dek euh deuhnt lee, di kayd nt /, adv. /dek euh deuhnt, di kayd nt/, adj. 1. characterized by decadence, esp. culturally or morally: a decadent life of excessive money and no sense of responsibility. 2. (often cap.) of or like the… …   Universalium

  • decadent — I. adjective Etymology: back formation from decadence Date: 1837 1. marked by decay or decline 2. of, relating to, or having the characteristics of the decadents 3. characterized by or appealing to self indulgence < decadent pleasures > •… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • decadent —    not conforming to accepted tastes    Literally, in a state of decline from past standards. Much used by autocrats about anything of which they disapprove, from homosexuality to artistic style:     Shetland had accepted eight decadent… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • decadent — dec•a•dent [[t]ˈdɛk ə dənt, dɪˈkeɪd nt[/t]] adj. 1) characterized by or given to decadence 2) lit. (often cap.) of or like the decadents 3) a person who is decadent 4) lit. (often cap.) any of a group of writers, esp. of late 19th century France …   From formal English to slang

  • The Kentucky Derby Is Decadent and Depraved — is a seminal sports article by Hunter S. Thompson on the 1970 Kentucky Derby in Louisville, Kentucky, Thompson s home town, that first appeared in an issue of Scanlan s Monthly magazine in June of that year. Though not known at the time, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Hamster style — Disc jockey « DJ » redirige ici. Pour les autres significations, voir DJ (homonymie). Disc jockey (souvent abrégé en DJ, prononcé didjay[1]) est un anglicisme, qui désigne à l origine, une personn …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Rock décadent — Glam rock Glam rock Origines stylistiques Art rock Folk rock Garage rock Hard rock Rock and roll Origines culturelles …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Rock art of south Oran (Algeria) — The rock art of south Oran, are prehistoric engravings of Neolithic age in the south of Oran Province, Algeria, in the Saharan Atlas Mountains, in the regions (from west to east) of Figuig, Ain Sefra, El Bayadh, Aflou and Tiaret. Comparable… …   Wikipedia

  • David Park Barnitz — (June 24, 1878 – October 10, 1901) was an American poet, best known for his 1901 volume the Book of Jade, a classic of decadent poetry. In 1901, San Francisco bookseller William Doxey, publisher of the popular humorist Gelett Burgess, as well as… …   Wikipedia

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