- de-icing
- борьба с обледенением
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Icing (ice hockey) — Icing in ice hockey occurs when a player shoots the puck across at least two red lines, the opposing team s goal line being the last. When icing occurs, a linesman stops play. Play is resumed with a faceoff in the defending zone of the team that… … Wikipedia
Icing — can refer to: *Atmospheric icing *Icing (food) *Icing (shipping) *Icing (ice hockey) *Icing by Claire s *A periglacial ice sheet (aufeis) … Wikipedia
icing on the cake — Anything that is a desirable addition to something already satisfactory • • • Main Entry: ↑ice * * * icing on the cake see ↑icing • • • Main Entry: ↑cake icing on the cake : something extra that makes a good thing even better The concert itself… … Useful english dictionary
Icing — 〈[aısıŋ] n. 15; Sp.; Eishockey〉 regelwidriges Spielen des Pucks über zwei Linien aus der Verteidigung heraus, um einen Angriff abzuwehren, Befreiungsschuss [engl.] * * * Icing [ a̮isɪŋ ], das; s, s <Pl. selten> [amerik. icing, zu: to ice =… … Universal-Lexikon
icing — ► NOUN ▪ a mixture of sugar with liquid or fat, used as a coating or filling for cakes or biscuits. ● the icing on the cake Cf. ↑the icing on the cake … English terms dictionary
icing sugar — icing .sugar n [U] BrE very fine light sugar that is mixed with liquid to make icing American Equivalent: powdered sugar … Dictionary of contemporary English
Icing — [ aisiŋ] das; s, s <aus gleichbed. engl. amerik. icing zu to ice »mit Eis kühlen, in Sicherheit bringen«> unerlaubter Weitschuss, Befreiungsschlag (beim Eishockey) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
icing sugar — ► NOUN chiefly Brit. ▪ finely powdered sugar used to make icing … English terms dictionary
Icing — I cing, n. A coating or covering resembling ice, as of sugar and milk or white of egg; frosting. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Icing (nautical) — Icing on ships is a serious hazard where cold temperatures (below about 10°C) combined with high wind speed (typically force 8 or above on the Beaufort scale) result in spray blown off the sea freezing immediately on contact with the ship. If not … Wikipedia
icing sugar — icing ,sugar noun uncount BRITISH CONFECTIONER S SUGAR … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English