
буфер; демпфер; гаситель (гидроудара)

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "dashpot" в других словарях:

  • dashpot — dash pot , dash pot dash pot(d[a^]sh p[o^]t ), n. (Mach.) a mechanical damping device containing a piston that moves in a fluid filled chamber to serve as a pneumatic or hydraulic cushion for a falling weight, as in the valve gear of a steam… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dashpot — A dashpot is a mechanical device, a damper which resists motion via viscous friction. The resulting force is proportional to the velocity, but acts in the opposite direction, slowing the motion and absorbing energy. It is commonly used in… …   Wikipedia

  • dashpot — Cataract Cat a*ract, n. [L. cataracta, catarracles, a waterfall, Gr. ?, ?, fr. ? to break down; in the passive, to fall or rush down (of tumors) to burst; kata down + ? to break.] 1. A great fall of water over a precipice; a large waterfall.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dashpot — A mechanical, hydraulic, or pneumatic damper used to cushion or slow down mechanical movement by restricting the flow of viscous fluid. Dashpots are used in shimmy dampers and in some power control systems, where they come into operation at high… …   Aviation dictionary

  • dashpot — /ˈdæʃpɒt/ (say dashpot) noun a device for damping vibrations or slowing down motion, consisting of a piston attached to the part whose movements are to be damped and fitted into a cylinder containing a fluid such as oil or air …  

  • dashpot — slopintuvas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. damper; dashpot vok. Dämfungsvorrichtung, f; Dämpfer, m; Schwingungsdämpfer, m rus. амортизатор, m; демпфер, m; успокоитель, m pranc. amortisseur, m; damper, m; suppresseur, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Dashpot timer — The first automatic timer, the dashpot timer has been used in many different machines and has many variations. Pneumatic, hydraulic action, and mercury displacement timers. Being used in a variety of things such as printing presses, motors, and… …   Wikipedia

  • dashpot throttle — A type of acceleration control unit in an engine control system. It consists of a sliding servo controlled throttle valve whose position is determined by a control valve attached to the pilot’s throttle lever. If the throttle is moved rapidly and …   Aviation dictionary

  • dashpot — noun Date: 1861 a device for cushioning or damping a movement (as of a mechanical part) to avoid shock …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • dashpot — /dash pot /, n. a device for cushioning, damping, or reversing the motion of a piece of machinery, consisting of a cylinder in which a piston operates to create a pressure or vacuum on an enclosed gas or to force a fluid in or out of the chamber… …   Universalium

  • dashpot — noun A mechanical damping device consisting of a piston that moves through a viscous fluid (usually oil); used, in conjunction with a spring, in shock absorbers …   Wiktionary

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