- dammar gum
- даммар, даммаровая смола
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Dammar gum — Dammar resin from the tree Canarium strictum Dammar gum is obtained from the Dipterocarpaceae family of trees in India and East Asia, principally those of the genera Shorea, Balanocarpus or Hopea. Most is produced by tapping trees; however, some… … Wikipedia
Dammar — Dam mar, Dammara Dam ma*ra, n. [Jav. & Malay. damar.] An oleoresin used in making varnishes; dammar gum; dammara resin. It is obtained from certain resin trees indigenous to the East Indies, esp. {Shorea robusta} and the dammar pine. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dammar pine — Dammar Dam mar, Dammara Dam ma*ra, n. [Jav. & Malay. damar.] An oleoresin used in making varnishes; dammar gum; dammara resin. It is obtained from certain resin trees indigenous to the East Indies, esp. {Shorea robusta} and the dammar pine. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gum — or GUM may refer to:Confectionary* Chewing gum * Functional chewing gum or Functional gum * Bubble gum * Wine gum * Gumdrop * Gum base * Gum industryNatural gums* Gum anima * Gum arabic * Cassia gum * Dammar gum * Gellan gum * Guar gum * Locust… … Wikipedia
dammar resin — noun any of various hard resins from trees of the family Dipterocarpaceae and of the genus Agathis; especially the amboyna pine • Syn: ↑dammar, ↑gum dammar, ↑damar • Hypernyms: ↑natural resin … Useful english dictionary
gum dammar — dammar (def. 1). [1865 70] * * * … Universalium
gum dammar — noun any of various hard resins from trees of the family Dipterocarpaceae and of the genus Agathis; especially the amboyna pine • Syn: ↑dammar, ↑damar, ↑dammar resin • Hypernyms: ↑natural resin * * * noun or … Useful english dictionary
dammar — /dam ahr, euhr, deuh mahr /, n. 1. Also called gum dammar. a copallike resin derived largely from dipterocarpaceous trees of southern Asia, esp. Malaya and Sumatra, and used chiefly for making colorless varnish. 2. any of various similar resins… … Universalium
gum damar — noun see gum dammar … Useful english dictionary
dammar — n. kauri gum; several other resins from Australian and E Indian trees … Dictionary of difficult words
Natural gum — Natural gums are polysaccharides of natural origin, capable of causing a large viscosity increase in solution, even at small concentrations. In the food industry they are used as thickening agents, gelling agents, emulsifying agents, and… … Wikipedia