damage rate

damage rate
степень повреждения

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "damage rate" в других словарях:

  • Damage per second — (DPS) is a term used with computer games to describe the average rate of damage inflicted over time. The term is especially common in massively multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPG) and is a key aspect of theorycraft. In this… …   Wikipedia

  • Damage tolerance — is a property of a structure relating to its ability to sustain defects safely until repair can be effected. The approach to engineering design to account for damage tolerance is based on the assumption that flaws can exist in any structure and… …   Wikipedia

  • Rate of fire — is the frequency at which a specific weapon can fire or launch its projectiles. It is usually measured in rounds per minute (RPM or round/min), or per second (RPS or round/s). Contents 1 Overview 2 Measurement 2.1 Cyclic rate …   Wikipedia

  • Damage over time — In computer games and wargames, damage over time (DoT) is a type of effect that causes damage in regular increments (or at a steady rate) for a limited amount of time. This damage can be equal at all increments, or it may build up or diminish in… …   Wikipedia

  • Damage to infrastructure in the 2010 Haiti earthquake — Main article: 2010 Haiti earthquake Collapsed buildings in Port au Prince Damage to infrastructure in the 2010 Haiti earthquake was extensive and affected areas included Port au Prince, Petit Goâve, Léogâne, Jacmel and other settlements in… …   Wikipedia

  • Rate-of-Living-Theorie — Die Rate of Living Theorie (dt. „Lebensratentheorie“) ist ein Erklärungsmodell für das Altern von Organismen, die sich geschlechtlich fortpflanzen. Die Hypothese ist einer der ersten Beiträge zur Alternstheorie und wurde 1928 von dem US… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • rate — Synonyms and related words: VAT, abuse, account, ad valorem duty, admonish, alcohol tax, alphabetize, amount, amusement tax, analyze, antecede, anyhow, anyway, apportion, appraise, appreciate, arithmetical proportion, arrange, assay, assess,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • damage — Synonyms and related words: abomination, abuse, afflict, aggravate, aggrieve, amount, atrocity, bad, bane, bankruptcy, befoul, befoulment, bereavement, bewitch, bill, blemish, blight, breakage, breakdown, charge, check, collapse, compensation,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • DNA damage theory of aging — The DNA damage theory of aging proposes that aging is a consequence of unrepaired DNA damage accumulation. Damage in this context includes chemical reactions that mutate DNA and/or interfere with DNA replication. Although both mitochondrial and… …   Wikipedia

  • Core damage frequency — (CDF) is a term used in probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) that indicates the likelihood of an accident that would cause damage to a nuclear reactor core.[1][2][3] Core damage accidents are considered serious because damage to the core may… …   Wikipedia

  • Tornado intensity and damage — Tornadoes vary in intensity regardless of shape, size, and location. While strong tornadoes are typically larger than weak tornadoes, there are several instances of F5 tornadoes with damage paths less than 500 feet (150 m) wide. Data from the… …   Wikipedia

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