cusp of curve

cusp of curve
точки излома кривой

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "cusp of curve" в других словарях:

  • Cusp — may refer to: Beach cusps, a pointed and regular arc pattern of the shoreline at the beach Behavioral cusp (psychology) an important behavior change with far reaching consequences Cusp catastrophe Cusp (astrology), a boundary between zodiac signs …   Wikipedia

  • Cusp — (k[u^]sp), n. [L. cuspis, idis, point, pointed end.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Arch.) A triangular protection from the intrados of an arch, or from an inner curve of tracery. [1913 Webster] 2. (Astrol.) The beginning or first entrance of any house in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cusp — [kusp] n. [L cuspis (gen. cuspidis), point, pointed end, spear] 1. a point or pointed end; apex; peak 2. Anat. a) any of the elevations on the chewing surface of a tooth b) any of the triangular flaps of a heart valve 3. Archit. a projecting… …   English World dictionary

  • Cusp (singularity) — An ordinary cusp on the curve x3–y2=0 In the mathematical theory of singularities a cusp is a type of singular point of a curve. Cusps are local singularities in that they are not formed by self intersection points of the curve. The plane curve… …   Wikipedia

  • Cusp form — In number theory, a branch of mathematics, a cusp form is a particular kind of modular form, distinguished in the case of modular forms for the modular group by the vanishing in the Fourier series expansion (see q expansion) Σanqn of the constant …   Wikipedia

  • cusp — cuspal, adj. /kusp/, n. 1. a point or pointed end. 2. Anat., Zool., Bot. a point, projection, or elevation, as on the crown of a tooth. 3. Also called spinode. Geom. a point where two branches of a curve meet, end, and are tangent. 4. Archit. a… …   Universalium

  • cusp — noun Etymology: Latin cuspis point Date: 1585 point, apex: as a. a point of transition (as from one historical period to the next) ; turning point; also edge, verge < on the cusp of stardom > b. either hor …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cusp — /kʌsp / (say kusp) noun 1. a point; pointed end. 2. Anatomy, Zoology, Botany a point, projection or elevation, as on the crown of a tooth. 3. Medicine one of the triangular segments of the heart valve. 4. Mathematics a point at which the… …  

  • cusp — [[t]kʌsp[/t]] n. 1) a point or pointed end 2) bio frm an anatomical point or prominence, as on the crown of a tooth or on a valve of the heart 3) math. a point where two branches of a curve meet, end, and are tangent 4) archit. an architectural… …   From formal English to slang

  • cusp — [kʌsp] noun 1》 a pointed end where two curves meet.     ↘each of the pointed ends of the crescent moon.     ↘a cone shaped prominence on the surface of a tooth.     ↘Architecture a projecting point between small arcs in Gothic tracery. 2》… …   English new terms dictionary

  • curve — 1. A nonangular continuous bend or line. 2. A chart or graphic representation, by means of a continuous line connecting individual observations, of the course of a physiologic activity, of the number of cases of a disease in a given period, or of …   Medical dictionary

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