- curved structure
- изогнутая структура
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
structure — struc|ture1 W2S3 [ˈstrʌktʃə US ər] n [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: structura act of building , from struere to make into a pile, build ] 1.) [U and C] the way in which the parts of something are connected with each other and form a whole, or … Dictionary of contemporary English
Tensile structure — A tensile structure is a construction of elements carrying only tension and no compression or bending. The term tensile should not be confused with tensegrity, which is a structural form with both tension and compression elements.Most tensile… … Wikipedia
Weaire-Phelan structure — The Weaire Phelan structure is a complex 3 dimensional structure. In 1993, Denis Weaire and Robert Phelan, two physicists based at Trinity College Dublin found that in computer simulations of foam, this structure was a better solution of the… … Wikipedia
Hyperboloid structure — Hyperboloid structures are architectural structures designed with hyperboloid geometry. Often these are tall structures such as towers where the hyperboloid geometry s structural strength is used to support an object high off the ground, but… … Wikipedia
Causal structure — This article is about the possible causal relationships among points in a Lorentzian manifold. For classification of Lorentzian manifolds according to the types of causal structures they admit, see Causality conditions. In mathematical physics,… … Wikipedia
Soil structure — is determined by how individual soil granules clump or bind together and aggregate, and therefore, the arrangement of soil pores between them. Soil structure has a major influence on water and air movement, biological activity, root growth and… … Wikipedia
Large Stone Structure — Part of the large stone structure. The Large Stone Structure is the name given to the remains of a large public building in the City of David neighborhood of central Jerusalem, south of the Old City, tentatively dated to 10th to 9th century BCE.… … Wikipedia
Dish structure — A dish structure is a secondary sedimentary structure caused by liquefaction and fluidization of the soft sediment. The structure occurs mainly in clastic deposits like turbidites. Contents 1 Terminology 2 History 3 Description … Wikipedia
Stepped Stone Structure — The Stepped Stone Structure is the name given to the remains at a particular archaeological site (sometimes termed Area G) on the eastern side of the City of David, the oldest part of Jerusalem. The curved, 60ft high, narrow stone structure is… … Wikipedia
Offshore concrete structure — Offshore concrete structures have been in use successfully for about 30 years. They serve the same purpose as their steel counterparts in the oil and gas production and storage. The first concrete oil platform has been installed in the North Sea… … Wikipedia
Timeline of knowledge about galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and large-scale structure — Timeline of galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and large scale structure of the cosmosPre 20th Century* 400s BC Democritus proposes that the bright band in the night sky known as the Milky Way might consist of stars, * 300s BC Aristotle believes the … Wikipedia