- сокр. от centreцентр
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
CTR — may stand for: * Civic Type R, an automoblie manufactured by Honda * Competitive trail riding, an equestrian sport * Certified Tumor Registrar, a professional credential for cancer registrars that is granted by the National Cancer Registrars… … Wikipedia
CTR — CTR английская аббревиатура CTR (религия) (англ. Choose the Right «выбирай истину») аббревиатура слогана Церкви Иисуса Христа. CTR (интернет) (англ. click through rate) показатель кликабельности. Определяется как … Википедия
CTR — steht für: Click Through Rate Compliant Transaction Recording control area/zone in der Luftfahrt, siehe Kontrollzone Carinthian Tech Research Current Transfer Ratio, siehe Gleichstrom Übertragungsverhältnis Honda Civic Type R Counter Mode, ein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ctr. — Ctr. (Ztr.), Abkürzung für Zentner … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
ctr — abbrev. center * * * … Universalium
CTR — (click through rate) percentage of user clicks on an advertisement that appears on a particular website (concept used in online advertising) … English contemporary dictionary
ctr. — ctr. (center) middle point; organization or place which offers a specific kind of service or activity (i.e. medical center, sports center, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary
ctr — abbrev. center … English World dictionary
CTR — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. CTR, sigle composé des trois lettres C, T et R, peut faire référence à : Conseiller technique régional, une fonction dans formation dans les… … Wikipédia en Français
CTR — currency transaction report (CTR) Each financial institution (other than casinos, which instead must file a CTRC form) must file a CTR for each deposit, withdrawal, exchange of currency or other payment or transfer, by, through or to the… … Financial and business terms
CTR — I CTR, Internet: Click Through Rate. II CTR [Abk. für Computing Tabulating Recording Company], Unternehmen: ehemaliger Name der Firma IBM … Universal-Lexikon