- covering of ceiling
- подшивка потолка
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
ceiling — [sē′liŋ] n. [< CEIL] 1. the inside top part or covering of a room, opposite the floor 2. any overhanging expanse seen from below 3. an upper limit set on anything, as by official regulation [a ceiling on prices] 4. Aeron. a) a cover … English World dictionary
ceiling — [n1] top of a room baldachin, beam, canopy, covert, dome, fan vaulting, groin, highest point, housetop, plafond, planchement, plaster, roof, roofing, timber, topside covering; concept 440 Ant. floor ceiling [n2] maximum legal price, record,… … New thesaurus
ceiling — ceilinged, adj. /see ling/, n. 1. the overhead interior surface of a room. 2. the top limit imposed by law on the amount of money that can be charged or spent or the quantity of goods that can be produced or sold. 3. Aeron. a. the maximum… … Universalium
Covering — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Covering >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 covering covering cover Sgm: N 1 baldachin baldachin baldachino baldaquin Sgm: N 1 canopy canopy tilt awning tent marquee tente d abr … English dictionary for students
ceiling — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. roof, cupola, vault, canopy; maximum, limit. See covering. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. roof, dome, baldachin, canopy, topside covering, cover, plafond, planchement ( both French), upper limit. Types of… … English dictionary for students
covering — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Something placed over another Nouns 1. covering, cover; superposition, superimposition; packaging; eclipse. 2. roof, ceiling, canopy, awning, tent, pavilion, marquee; umbrella, parasol, sunshade; veil,… … English dictionary for students
Ceiling — Ceil Ceil (s[=e]l), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Ceiled} (s[=e]ld); p. pr. & vb. n. {Ceiling}.] [From an older noun, fr. F. ciel heaven, canopy, fr. L. caelum heaven, vault, arch, covering; cf. Gr. koi^los hollow.] 1. To overlay or cover the inner side… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ceiling — /ˈsilɪŋ / (say seeling) noun 1. the overhead interior lining of a room; the surface of a room opposite the floor. 2. top limit: a ceiling on expenditure. 3. Nautical the flooring, usually wooden, covering the double bottom tanks, at the bottom of …
ceiling — i. The height above the ground or water of the base of the lowest layer of cloud below 6000 m (20,000 ft), covering more than half the sky (ICAO). The term also refers to the vertical visibility in a surface based layer that completely obscures… … Aviation dictionary
Ceiling — The covering (1 Kings 7:3, 7) of the inside roof and walls of a house with planks of wood (2 Chr. 3:5; Jer. 22:14). Ceilings were sometimes adorned with various ornaments in stucco, gold, silver, gems, and ivory. The ceilings of the temple and … Easton's Bible Dictionary
ceiling — n 1. topside, upper side, roof, Archit. dome; cover, covering, covert, lid, top. 2. top limit, maximum, Inf. lid; limitation, restriction … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder