- counterscarp wall
- контрэскарпная стенка
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Counterscarp — of a Napoleon era polygonal fort (Fort Napoleon, Ostend). Counterscarps had become vertical by this time. The housing at the bottom of the ditch is a caponier from where the defenders could fire on attackers that managed to climb down into the… … Wikipedia
Counterscarp — Coun ter*scarp (koun t[ e]r*sk[aum]rp ) n. [Counter + scarp: cf. F. contrescarpe.] (Fort.) The exterior slope or wall of the ditch; sometimes, the whole covered way, beyond the ditch, with its parapet and glacis; as, the enemy have lodged… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
counterscarp — [kount′ər skärp΄] n. [Fr contrescarpe: see COUNTER & SCARP] the outer slope or wall of a ditch or moat in a fortification … English World dictionary
counterscarp — /ˈkaʊntəskap/ (say kowntuhskahp) noun Fortifications 1. the exterior slope or wall of the ditch of a fort, supporting the covered way. 2. this slope with the covered way and glacis. {French contrescarpe, from Italian contrascarpa, from contra… …
counterscarp — /kown teuhr skahrp /, n. Fort. the exterior slope or wall of the ditch of a fort, supporting the covered way. See diag. under bastion. [1565 75; COUNTER + SCARP1 (modeled on It contrascarpa); r. counterscarfe, with scarfe obs. var. of SCARP1] * * … Universalium
counterscarp — n. narrow earth band on the outer wall of a defensive ditch … English contemporary dictionary
counterscarp — noun the outer wall of a ditch in a fortification … English new terms dictionary
counterscarp — coun•ter•scarp [[t]ˈkaʊn tərˌskɑrp[/t]] n. for the outer slope or wall of the ditch of a fortification • Etymology: 1565–75; < It contrascarpa … From formal English to slang
counterscarp — n. Mil. the outer wall or slope of a ditch in a fortification. Etymology: F contrescarpe f. It. contrascarpa (as CONTRA , SCARP) … Useful english dictionary
Fort de Tournoux — The Fort de Tournoux is a fortification in the Ubaye Valley in the French Alps. It was built between 1843 and the 20th century to defend France against invasion from Italy and Savoy. Prehistory Earliest records show that the position of the… … Wikipedia
WAR AND WARFARE — TO THE DESTRUCTION OF THE FIRST TEMPLE The methods of offensive and defensive warfare developed side by side in the Ancient Near East. The development of weapons was dependent upon the supply of raw materials, such as stone, metal, and wood; the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism