
1) болт
2) задвижка, засов, язык замка
3) стержень, палец, ось, шкворень, шпилька
4) бревно для распиловки; короткомер; сортимент
5) рулон обивочного, настилочного материала
6) сито, грохот
7) стрела
8) скреплять, стягивать болтами; закреплять шпильками
9) запирать на засов
10) просеивать, грохотить

bolt in double shear — двухсрезный болт

bolt in single shear — односрезный болт

bolt together — сболченный

bolt with guiding neck — болт с направляющим подголовком

bolt with stop — болт с упором против вращения

bolt with winged nut — болт с барашковой гайкой

to bolt on — приболчивать, закреплять, затягивать болтом

to cotter-pin a bolt — закреплять болт чекой, шпилькой

to cross-thread a bolt — завинчивать болт с перекосом

to fasten with bolts — скреплять болтами

to rag a bolt — заёршивать болт

to safety a bolt — законтривать болт

to share a bolt — срезать болт

to slacken a bolt — "отдавать" болт

to tighten a bolt — затягивать болт

to bolt together — скреплять болтами

to bolt up — закреплять болтами

- adjuster bolt - adjusting bolt - anchor bolt - assembling bolt - barb bolt - barrel bolt - binding bolt - black bolt - blank bolt - butterfly bolt - button-head bolt - case bolt - casement window bolt - clamp bolt - clamping bolt - clevice bolt - coneheaded bolt - conical head bolt - connecting bolt - construction bolt - countersunk-headed bolt - coupling bolt - die-rolled section foundation bolt - dimension bolt - door bolt - double-end bolt - double-screw bolt - drift bolt - draw bolt - erection bolt - expansion bolt - fang bolt - fastening bolt - field bolt - finished bolt - fitting-up bolt - flange bolt - flush bolt - foot bolt - foundation bolt - fox bolt - ground bolt - hacked bolt - high-precision bolt - hinge bolt - holding down bolt - hook bolt - hook foundation bolt - insert bolt - jag bolt - knurled foundation bolt - lewis bolt - link bolt - long bolt - lug bolt - nut bolt - packing bolt - pan-head bolt - panic bolt - paper bolts - pivot bolt - precision bolt - puller bolt - rag bolt - rough bolt - round-head bolt - safety bolt - screw bolt - shackle bolt - slip bolt - snap-head bolt - splice bolt - split bolt - sprig bolt - spring bolt - square-head bolt - stamped bolt - stay bolt - stirrup bolt - stone bolt - stone lifting bolt - stove bolt - stud bolt - swing bolt - swivel bolt - T-headed bolt - T-bolt - terminal bolt - threaded bolt - through bolt - tie bolt - truss bolt - tyre bolt - urned bolt
* * *
1.   болт
2.   задвижка, засов
3.   короткий отрезок бревна
4.   упаковка с рулонами обоев (содержащая два и более рулонов)
5.   решето, сито
- assembling bolt
- barb bolt
- black bolt
- box bolt
- bright turned bolt
- cane bolt
- catch bolt
- coach bolt
- cup-square bolt
- dead bolt
- door bolt
- drift bolt
- espagnolette bolt
- expansion bolt
- extension flush bolt
- eye bolt
- field bolt
- fishtail bolt
- fitting-up bolt
- flat head bolt
- flush bolt
- foot bolt
- fox bolt
- high-strength bolt
- high-strength friction grip bolt
- high-strength grip bolt
- high-tension bolt
- holding-down bolt
- hook bolt
- Huck bolt
- key bolt
- lag bolt
- load indicating bolt
- loose bolt
- pillar bolt
- rag bolt
- ribbed head bolt
- rock bolts
- safety bolt
- she bolt
- site bolt
- slotted rock bolt
- through bolt
- Torshear bolt
- U bolt
- veneer bolt

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "bolt" в других словарях:

  • Bolt — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Bobby Bolt (* 1987), kanadischer Eishockeyspieler Bruce Bolt (1930–2005), US amerikanischer Seismologe Carol Bolt (1941–2000), kanadische Dramatikerin Christian Bolt (* 1972), Schweizer Bildhauer und Maler …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bolt — usually refers to a type of fastener.Bolt may refer to:Fasteners* A cap screw, as used in a bolted joint * Screw, a cylindrical threaded fastener * Deadbolt, a kind of locking mechanism * Bolt (climbing), an anchor point used in rock… …   Wikipedia

  • Bolt — Bolt, n. [AS. bolt; akin to Icel. bolti, Dan. bolt, D. bout, OHG. bolz, G. bolz, bolzen; of uncertain origin.] 1. A shaft or missile intended to be shot from a crossbow or catapult, esp. a short, stout, blunt headed arrow; a quarrel; an arrow, or …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bolt-on — ˈbolt on adjective [only before a noun] a bolt on part can be added on easily to a machine, system, or service, without making any big changes: • In manufacturing, bolt on software may be used to supplement the core system. bolt on noun… …   Financial and business terms

  • bolt — bolt; bolt·in; bolt·less; say·bolt; shack·bolt; un·bolt; bolt·er; dog·bolt; thun·der·bolt; …   English syllables

  • bolt-on — boltˈ on adjective Additional, supplementary noun An additional part which can be attached to a computer or other machine • • • Main Entry: ↑bolt * * * bolt on UK US adjective only before noun business british able to be added to something easily …   Useful english dictionary

  • bolt — ► NOUN 1) a long metal pin with a head that screws into a nut, used to fasten things together. 2) a bar that slides into a socket to fasten a door or window. 3) the sliding piece of the breech mechanism of a rifle. 4) a short, heavy arrow shot… …   English terms dictionary

  • bolt — bolt1 [bōlt] n. [ME & OE, akin to Ger bolzen < IE base * bheld , to knock, strike] 1. a short, heavy, often blunt arrow shot from a crossbow 2. a flash of lightning; thunderbolt 3. a sudden dash or movement 4. a sliding bar for locking a door …   English World dictionary

  • Bolt — Bolt, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Bolted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Bolting}.] 1. To shoot; to discharge or drive forth. [1913 Webster] 2. To utter precipitately; to blurt or throw out. [1913 Webster] I hate when Vice can bolt her arguments. Milton. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bolt — (b[=o]lt; 110), v. i. 1. To start forth like a bolt or arrow; to spring abruptly; to come or go suddenly; to dart; as, to bolt out of the room. [1913 Webster] This Puck seems but a dreaming dolt, . . . And oft out of a bush doth bolt. Drayton.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bolt — Bolt, Beranek y Newman Saltar a navegación, búsqueda BBN Technologies (originalmente Bolt, Beranek and Newman) es una empresa de alta tecnología que provee servicios de investigación y desarrollo. BBN está situada junto a Fresh Pond en Cambridge …   Wikipedia Español

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