conveyance loss

conveyance loss
потери при перемещении (из трубопровода, канала на испарение и утечку)

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "conveyance loss" в других словарях:

  • property law — Introduction       principles, policies, and rules by which disputes over property are to be resolved and by which property transactions may be structured. What distinguishes property law from other kinds of law is that property law deals with… …   Universalium

  • Norwegian nobility — are persons and families who in early times belonged to the supreme social, political, and military class and who later were members of the institutionalised nobility in the Kingdom of Norway. It has its historical roots in the group of… …   Wikipedia

  • Fraudulent trading — In insolvency law, fraudulent trading refers to a company that has carried on business with intent to defraud creditors. [For example, in the United Kingdom, see section 213 of the Insolvency Act 1986] Where during the course of a winding up it… …   Wikipedia

  • postal system — System that allows persons to send letters, parcels, or packages to addressees in the same country or abroad. Postal systems are usually government run and paid for by a combination of user charges and government subsidies. There are early… …   Universalium

  • The Byzantine Empire —     The Byzantine Empire     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Byzantine Empire     The ancient Roman Empire having been divided into two parts, an Eastern and a Western, the Eastern remained subject to successors of Constantine, whose capital was at …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • demise — de·mise 1 /di mīz/ vt de·mised, de·mis·ing: to convey (possession of property) by will or lease the demised premises demise 2 n [Anglo French, from feminine past participle of demettre to convey by lease, from Old French, to put down, give up,… …   Law dictionary

  • DHN Food Distributors Ltd v Tower Hamlets London Borough Council — DHN Food Distributors Ltd v Tower Hamlets LBC Court Court of Appeal Date decided 4 March 1976 Citation(s) [1976] 1 WLR 852 …   Wikipedia

  • Income tax in India — The Indian Income Tax department is governed by the Central Board for Direct Taxes (CBDT) and is part of the Department of Revenue under the Ministry of Finance.The government of India imposes an income tax on taxable income of individuals, Hindu …   Wikipedia

  • Maxims of equity — The maxims of equity evolved, in Latin and eventually translated into English, as the principles applied by courts of equity in deciding cases before them.[1] Among the traditional maxims are: Contents 1 Equity regards done what ought to be done… …   Wikipedia

  • Roman law — the system of jurisprudence elaborated by the ancient Romans, a strong and varied influence on the legal systems of many countries. [1650 60] * * * Law of the Roman Republic and Empire. Roman law has influenced the development of law in most of… …   Universalium

  • Future interest — This article is about the legal concept of future interests in property. For the actuarial valuation of future streams of income, see Future interests (actuarial science) …   Wikipedia

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