- conventional
- обычный, стандартный, принятый, традиционный
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
conventional — con·ven·tion·al /kən ven chə nəl/ adj 1: based on, settled by, or formed by agreement: contractual compare judicial 2, legal 2c 2: of, like, or r … Law dictionary
conventional — con‧ven‧tion‧al [kənˈvenʆnəl] adjective a conventional way of doing something is the way that has been used or available for some time and is considered to be normal: • standard conventional fixed rate mortgages • Conventional measures of stock… … Financial and business terms
convenţional — CONVENŢIONÁL, Ă, convenţionali, e, adj. 1. Stabilit, prin convenţie, acceptat prin tradiţie. 2. Provenit dintr o convenţie învechită sau practicată (practica) mecanic (şi rupt de realitate); artificial. ♦ (Despre caracter, fire etc.) Lipsit de… … Dicționar Român
Conventional — Con*ven tion*al, a. [L. conventionalis: cf. F. conventionnel.] 1. Formed by agreement or compact; stipulated. [1913 Webster] Conventional services reserved by tenures upon grants, made out of the crown or knights service. Sir M. Hale. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
conventional — [kən ven′shə nəl] adj. [LL conventionalis] 1. having to do with a convention or assembly 2. of, sanctioned by, or growing out of custom or usage; customary 3. a) depending on or conforming to formal or accepted standards or rules rather than… … English World dictionary
conventional — [adj1] common, normal accepted, accustomed, button down, commonplace, correct, current, customary, decorous, everyday, expected, fashionable, formal, general, habitual, in established usage, ordinary, orthodox, plain, popular, predominant,… … New thesaurus
Conventional — (Conventionell, v. lat.), einer Convention gemäß, worüber man einig geworden ist. Conventionalfrist, eine Frist, über welche die processirenden Parteien unter Genehmigung des Richters übereingekommen sind. Conventionalstrafe, was eine Person… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
conventional — (adj.) late 15c., of the nature of an agreement, from L.L. conventionalis pertaining to convention or agreement, from L. conventionem (see CONVENTION (Cf. convention)). Meaning of the nature of a convention is from 1812, now rare; established by… … Etymology dictionary
conventional — formal, ceremonious, *ceremonial, solemn Analogous words: *decorous, proper, seemly, decent: *correct, right, precise Antonyms: unconventional Contrasted words: *negligent, slack, lax, remiss: *natural … New Dictionary of Synonyms
conventional — ► ADJECTIVE 1) based on or in accordance with convention. 2) following social conventions; not individual or adventurous. 3) (of weapons or power) non nuclear. DERIVATIVES conventionalist noun conventionality noun conventionalize (also… … English terms dictionary
conventional — con|ven|tion|al [ kən venʃnəl ] adjective *** 1. ) usually before noun of the usual, traditional, or accepted type, instead of being new and different: You can cook the meat either in a microwave or in a conventional oven. He wanted a… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English