- control area
- контрольная площадь
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
control area — A controlled airspace extending upward from a specified limit above the earth (ICAO). The delineation of the control areas, including airways and terminal control areas, should encompass sufficient airspace to contain the flight paths of those… … Aviation dictionary
Control area — A control area (CTA) is an aviation term that describes a volume of controlled airspace that exists in the vicinity of an airport. It has a specified lower level and a specified upper level. It usually is situated on top of a control zone and… … Wikipedia
Control Area — A Control Area (CTA) is an aviation term that describes a volume of controlled airspace that exists in the vicinity of an airport. It has a specified lower level and a specified upper level. It usually is situated on top of a Control Zone and… … Wikipedia
Control Area — A power system or systems to which an automatic control is applied. *** An electric power system, or a combination of electric power systems, to which a common automatic generation control (AGC) is applied to match the power output of… … Energy terms
control area — A controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above the Earth. See also airway; controlled airspace; control zone; terminal control area … Military dictionary
control area — reguliavimo sritis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. control area; control range vok. Regelbereich, m; Regelfläche, f; Regelungsgebiet, n rus. диапазон регулирования, m; область регулирования, f pranc. plage de réglage, f; étendue… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
control area — kontrolės rajonas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Stebima oro erdvė, kuri tęsiasi į viršų nuo tam tikros ribos virš Žemės paviršiaus. atitikmenys: angl. control area pranc. région de contrôle ryšiai: dar žiūrėk – kontrolės zona dar žiūrėk –… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
control area — place which is carefully regulated … English contemporary dictionary
Tsing Ma Control Area — (Chinese: 青馬管制區, TMCA) is an area covering Lantau Link and related road networks in Hong Kong, including Tsing Ma Bridge, Ting Kau Bridge, Rambler Channel Bridge, Kap Shui Mun Bridge, Cheung Tsing Tunnel, Tsing Kwai Highway and North Lantau… … Wikipedia
Terminal Control Area — A Terminal Control Area or Terminal Maneuvering Area (TMA) is an aviation term to describe a volume of controlled airspace set up at the confluence of airways in the vicinity of one or more major airports to protect traffic climbing out from and… … Wikipedia
Sulphur Emission Control Area — Mit Sulphur Emission Control Area (SECA) wurden Regionen bezeichnet, in denen der Ausstoß von Schwefel und Schwefeloxiden durch Seeschiffe eingeschränkt werden soll. Heutzutage werden diese Regionen als Emission Control Area (ECA) bezeichnet.… … Deutsch Wikipedia