- contraction crack
- усадочная трещина
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Mare Boreum quadrangle — The Mare Boreum quadrangle is one of a series of 30 quadrangle maps of Mars used by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Astrogeology Research Program. The Mare Boreum quadrangle is also referred to as MC 1 (Mars Chart 1).[1] Map of Mare… … Wikipedia
Великая Северная равнина — является большой областью низкой высоты окружающей 70°с.ш. Великая Северная равнина ( Vastitas Borealis … Википедия
weakening — Synonyms and related words: abatement, abridgment, alleviation, attenuation, attrition, bankruptcy, blunting, breakage, breakdown, collapse, contraction, crack up, crippling, damage, dampening, damping, deadening, debilitation, decrease,… … Moby Thesaurus
industrial glass — Introduction solid material that is normally lustrous and transparent in appearance and that shows great durability under exposure to the natural elements. These three properties lustre, transparency, and durability make glass a favoured… … Universalium
permafrost — /perr meuh frawst , frost /, n. (in arctic or subarctic regions) perennially frozen subsoil. Also called pergelisol. [1943; PERMA(NENT) + FROST] * * * Perennially frozen earth, with a temperature below 32 °F (0 °C) continuously for two years or… … Universalium
Ice wedge — An ice wedge is a crack in the ground formed by a narrow or thin piece of ice that measures anywhere from 3 to 4 meters wide and extends downwards into the ground up to 10 inches. During the winter months, the water in the ground freezes and… … Wikipedia
Derailment — For the use of the term in psychiatry, see derailment (thought disorder). Derailed Tatra T3 tram in Brno, Czech Republic … Wikipedia
Prenatal cocaine exposure — (PCE) occurs when a pregnant woman uses cocaine and thereby exposes her fetus to the drug. Crack baby was a term coined to describe children who were exposed to crack (cocaine in smokable form) as fetuses; the concept of the crack baby emerged in … Wikipedia
Welding defect — A welding defect is any flaw that compromises the usefulness of the finished weldment. According to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) welding defect causes are broken down into the following percentages: 41% poor process… … Wikipedia
Spanish profanity — Joder redirects here. For the community in Nebraska, see Joder, Nebraska. This article is a summary of Spanish profanity, referred to in the Spanish language as lenguaje soez (low language), maldiciones (curse words), malas palabras (bad words),… … Wikipedia
Road surface — A road in the process of being resurfaced Road surface (British English) or pavement (American English) is the durable surface material laid down on an area intended to sustain vehicular or foot traffic, such as a road or walkway. In the past… … Wikipedia