- contract integration
- интеграция на основе контракции
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
integration — in·te·gra·tion n: the act or process or an instance of integrating: as a: a writing that embodies a complete and final agreement between parties b: incorporation as equals into society or an organization of individuals of different groups (as… … Law dictionary
integration clause — n: a clause in a contract stating that the contract is a complete and final statement of the agreement between the parties Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. integration clause … Law dictionary
Integration — is a process of combining or accumulating. It may specifically refer to:*The bringing together of two or more economies, cultures, religions (usually called syncretism), etc.;in sociology and economy *Social integration *Racial integration,… … Wikipedia
contract — con·tract 1 / kän ˌtrakt/ n [Latin contractus from contrahere to draw together, enter into (a relationship or agreement), from com with, together + trahere to draw] 1: an agreement between two or more parties that creates in each party a duty to… … Law dictionary
Integration clause — Contract law Part … Wikipedia
Contract — law … Wikipedia
Contract with America — Not to be confused with the Contract from America, 2010. The Contract with America was a document released by the United States Republican Party during the 1994 Congressional election campaign. Written by Larry Hunter, who was aided by Newt… … Wikipedia
Contract of sale — Contract law Part … Wikipedia
Integration law for new immigrants to the Netherlands — POV|date=December 2007In 1998, the Dutch parliament agreed with legislation called, Wet Inburgering Nieuwkomers, translated, new immigrants’ integration law. This law basically outlines the intent and procedures to force the new immigrants to… … Wikipedia
integrated contract — Contract which contains within its four corners the entire agreement of the parties and parol evidence tending to contradict, amend, etc., is inadmissible; the parties having made the contract the final expression of their agreement. An agreement … Black's law dictionary
integrated contract — Contract which contains within its four corners the entire agreement of the parties and parol evidence tending to contradict, amend, etc., is inadmissible; the parties having made the contract the final expression of their agreement. An agreement … Black's law dictionary