consumption of energy

consumption of energy
расход энергии

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "consumption of energy" в других словарях:

  • Energy information —   Includes (A) all information in whatever form on fuel reserves, extraction, and energy resources (including petrochemical feedstocks) wherever located; production, distribution, and consumption of energy and fuels wherever carried on; and (B)… …   Energy terms

  • Energy drink — Energy drinks are beverages whose producers advertise that they boost energy. These advertisements usually do not emphasize energy derived from the sugar and caffeine they contain[1] but rather increased energy release due to a variety of… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy intensity — is a measure of the energy efficiency of a nation s economy. It is calculated as units of energy per unit of GDP.* High energy intensities indicate a high price or cost of converting energy into GDP. * Low energy intensity indicates a lower price …   Wikipedia

  • Energy security of the People's Republic of China — concerns the need for the People s Republic of China to guarantee itself and its industries long term access to sufficient energy and raw materials. China has been endeavoring to sign international agreements and secure such supplies; its energy… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy Intensity —   The relative extent that energy is required for a process.   ***   A ratio of energy consumption to another metric, typically national gross domestic product in the case of a country s energy intensity. Sector specific intensities may refer to… …   Energy terms

  • Energy Policy Act of 2005 — Enacted by the 109th United States Congress Citations Public Law …   Wikipedia

  • Energy in New Zealand — Energy consumptionData from the Ministry of Economic Development [cite web|url= 21847.aspx|title=Table 5: International Consumption of Energy Calendar Year 2006|date=2006 10… …   Wikipedia

  • Consumption — (Fuel)   Amount of fuel used for gross generation.   ***   See Energy Consumption.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary …   Energy terms

  • Consumption per square foot —   The aggregate ratio of total consumption for a particular set of buildings to the total floorspace of those buildings.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary …   Energy terms

  • Energy Efficiency —   Programs that reduce consumption.   ***   A ratio of service provided to energy input (e.g., lumens to watts in the case of light bulbs). Services provided can include buildings sector end uses such as lighting, refrigeration, and heating:… …   Energy terms

  • Energy Consumption —   The amount of energy consumed in the form in which it is acquired by the user. The term excludes electrical generation and distribution losses.   ***   The use of energy as a source of heat or power or as a raw material input to a manufacturing …   Energy terms

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