- consumed energy
- затраченная энергия
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Energy Use — Energy consumed during a specified time period for a specific purpose (usually expressed in kWh) … Energy terms
Energy Charge — That part of an electricity bill that is based on the amount of electrical energy consumed or supplied. The amount of money owed by an electric customer for kilowatt hours consumed. *** That portion of the charge for electric service… … Energy terms
Energy Consumption — The amount of energy consumed in the form in which it is acquired by the user. The term excludes electrical generation and distribution losses. *** The use of energy as a source of heat or power or as a raw material input to a manufacturing … Energy terms
Energy used in the home — For electricity or natural gas, the quantity is the amount used by the household during the365 or 366 day period. For fuel oil, kerosene, and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), the quantity consists of fuel purchased, not fuel consumed. If the… … Energy terms
Energy Factor — (EF) The measure of overall efficiency for a variety of appliances. For water heaters, the energy factor is based on three factors: 1) the recovery efficiency, or how efficiently the heat from the energy source is transferred to the water; 2)… … Energy terms
Energy Source — A source that provides the power to be converted to electricity. *** Any substance or natural phenomenon that can be consumed or transformed to supply heat or power. Examples include petroleum, coal, natural gas, nuclear, biomass,… … Energy terms
Energy Resources Program Account — (ERPA) The state law that directs California electric utility companies to gather a state energy surcharge per kilowatt hour of electricity consumed by a customer. These funds are used for operation of the California Energy Commission. As of… … Energy terms
Energy Efficiency Ratio — (EER) The measure of the instantaneous energy efficiency of room air conditioners; the cooling capacity in Btu/hr divided by the watts of power consumed at a specific outdoor temperature (usually 95 degrees Fahrenheit) … Energy terms
Energy returned on energy invested — Contents 1 Non manmade energy inputs 2 Relationship to net energy gain 3 The economic influence of EROEI … Wikipedia
Energy Accounting — is the hypothetical system of distribution, proposed by Technocracy Incorporated in the Technocracy Study Course , which would record the energy used to produce and distribute goods and services consumed by citizens in a Technate.… … Wikipedia
Energy intensity — is a measure of the energy efficiency of a nation s economy. It is calculated as units of energy per unit of GDP.* High energy intensities indicate a high price or cost of converting energy into GDP. * Low energy intensity indicates a lower price … Wikipedia