- connate water
- реликтовая вода (в пустых породах); ископаемая вода
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
connate water — noun Water which has been trapped in sediments since their deposition • • • Main Entry: ↑connate * * * connate water, Geology. water that becomes permanently entrapped in beds of sediment or rock at the time of deposit … Useful english dictionary
connate water — water that is trapped in the interstices, or breaks, between adjacent strata of sedimentary rock. It becomes trapped at the time of deposition … Geography glossary
connate water — Water entrapped in the interstices of a sedimentary or extrusive igneous rock at the time of its deposition [22] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
connate water — /kɒneɪt ˈwɔtə/ (say konayt wawtuh) noun water trapped in the interstices of a sedimentary rock at the time the sediment was deposited …
Connate fluids — The term connate fluids in the context of geology, and of sedimentology in particular, refers to the liquids that were trapped in the pores of sedimentary rocks as they were deposited. These liquids are largely composed of water, but also contain … Wikipedia
connate — connately, adv. connateness, n. connation /keuh nay sheuhn/, n. /kon ayt/, adj. 1. existing in a person or thing from birth or origin; inborn: a connate sense of right and wrong. 2. associated in birth or origin. 3. allied or agreeing in nature;… … Universalium
Water — This article is about general aspects of water. For a detailed discussion of its properties, see Properties of water. For other uses, see Water (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
connate — adjective Etymology: Late Latin connatus, past participle of connasci to be born together, from Latin com + nasci to be born more at nation Date: 1641 1. akin, congenial 2. innate, inborn 3. born or originated together … New Collegiate Dictionary
connate — con•nate [[t]ˈkɒn eɪt[/t]] adj. 1) existing in a person or thing from birth or origin; inborn 2) associated in birth or origin 3) allied or agreeing in nature; cognate 4) anat. (of anatomical parts) firmly united; fused 5) bot congenitally joined … From formal English to slang
connate — [ kɒneɪt] adjective 1》 Philosophy innate. 2》 Biology (of parts) united so as to form a single participle 3》 Geology (of water) trapped in sedimentary rock during its deposition. Origin C17: from late L. connatus, past participle of connasci, from … English new terms dictionary
connate — adj. 1 existing in a person or thing from birth; innate. 2 formed at the same time. 3 allied, congenial. 4 Bot. (of organs) congenitally united so as to form one part. 5 Geol. (of water) trapped in sedimentary rock during its deposition.… … Useful english dictionary