condition of exposure

condition of exposure
характер, условия воздействия окружающей среды

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "condition of exposure" в других словарях:

  • exposure — ex·po·sure n 1: the fact or condition of being exposed; also: the possibility of loss caused by an outside source used in insurance 2: the act or an instance of exposing 3: something that exposes someone or something; esp: something (as a… …   Law dictionary

  • Exposure — can refer toIn biology: * A condition of very poor health or death resulting from lack of protection over prolonged periods under weather, extreme temperatures or dangerous substances ( see also: hypothermia, hyperthermia, radioactive… …   Wikipedia

  • exposure — ► NOUN 1) the state of being exposed to something harmful. 2) a physical condition resulting from being exposed to severe weather conditions. 3) the action of exposing a photographic film. 4) the quantity of light reaching a photographic film, as …   English terms dictionary

  • exposure — 1. A displaying, revealing, exhibiting, or making accessible. 2. In dentistry, loss of hard tooth structure covering the dental pulp due to caries, dental instrumentation, or trauma. 3. Proximity and/or contact with …   Medical dictionary

  • exposure — noun Date: 1605 1. the fact or condition of being exposed: as a. the condition of being presented to view or made known < a politician seeks a lot of exposure > b. the condition of being unprotected especially from severe weather < died of… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • exposure — n. (foll. by to) 1 the act or condition of exposing or being exposed (to air, cold, danger, etc.). 2 the condition of being exposed to the elements, esp. in severe conditions (died from exposure). 3 the revelation of an identity or fact, esp.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • exposure — [[t]ɪkspo͟ʊʒə(r)[/t]] ♦♦♦ exposures 1) N UNCOUNT: usu N to n Exposure to something dangerous means being in a situation where it might affect you. Exposure to lead is known to damage the brains of young children. ...the potential exposure of… …   English dictionary

  • exposure — /ik spoh zheuhr/, n. 1. the act of exposing. 2. the fact or state of being exposed. 3. disclosure, as of something private or secret: the exposure of their invasion plans. 4. an act or instance of revealing or unmasking, as an impostor, crime, or …   Universalium

  • exposure — ex•po•sure [[t]ɪkˈspoʊ ʒər[/t]] n. 1) the act of exposing 2) the state of being exposed 3) disclosure, as of something private or secret 4) an act or instance of revealing: exposure of graft[/ex] 5) presentation to view: His exposure of his anger …   From formal English to slang

  • exposure — I (Roget s IV) n. 1. [The act of subjecting to outside influences] Syn. disclosure, betrayal, uncovering, baring, unfolding, display, exhibition, laying open, unmasking, presentation, publication, airing, publicizing, publicity, showing,… …   English dictionary for students

  • exposure — noun /ɪkˈspoʊʒɚ/ a) The condition of being exposed, uncovered, or unprotected. Limit your exposure to harsh chemicals. b) That part which is facing or exposed to something, e.g. the sun, weather, sky, or a …   Wiktionary

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