concrete strip foundation

concrete strip foundation
бетонный ленточный фундамент

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "concrete strip foundation" в других словарях:

  • Ani security fence — The Ani security fence was constructed in 2002 around the uninhabited medieval city of Ani which is situated in the Turkish province of Kars along the border with Armenia. The fence, supported by concrete posts that are embedded into a concrete… …   Wikipedia

  • Bunshaft Residence — The Bunshaft Residence, sometimes called the Travertine House was an iconic modernist home designed by architect Gordon Bunshaft for himself and his wife on a 2.4 acre (0.97 ha) lot on the shore of Georgica Pond in East Hampton, New York. It was… …   Wikipedia

  • Congregation B'nai Israel Synagogue — South elevation and partial …   Wikipedia

  • Western architecture — Introduction       history of Western architecture from prehistoric Mediterranean cultures to the present.       The history of Western architecture is marked by a series of new solutions to structural problems. During the period from the… …   Universalium

  • environment — environmental, adj. environmentally, adv. /en vuy reuhn meuhnt, vuy euhrn /, n. 1. the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu. 2. Ecol. the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors… …   Universalium

  • UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, country in N. America. This article is arranged according to the following outline: introduction Colonial Era, 1654–1776 Early National Period, 1776–1820 German Jewish Period, 1820–1880 East European Jewish Period,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • education — /ej oo kay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. 2. the act or process of… …   Universalium

  • Geotechnical engineering — [ Boston s Big Dig presented geotechnical challenges in an urban environment.] Geotechnical engineering is the branch of civil engineering concerned with the engineering behavior of earth materials. Geotechnical engineering includes investigating …   Wikipedia

  • Italy — /it l ee/, n. a republic in S Europe, comprising a peninsula S of the Alps, and Sicily, Sardinia, Elba, and other smaller islands: a kingdom 1870 1946. 57,534,088; 116,294 sq. mi. (301,200 sq. km). Cap.: Rome. Italian, Italia. * * * Italy… …   Universalium

  • HISTORICAL SURVEY: THE STATE AND ITS ANTECEDENTS (1880–2006) — Introduction It took the new Jewish nation about 70 years to emerge as the State of Israel. The immediate stimulus that initiated the modern return to Zion was the disappointment, in the last quarter of the 19th century, of the expectation that… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Gaza flotilla raid — Coordinates: 32°38′28″N 33°34′02″E /  …   Wikipedia

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