computer-aided system

computer-aided system
автоматизированная система (напр. проектирования)

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "computer-aided system" в других словарях:

  • Computer algebra system — A computer algebra system (CAS) is a software program that facilitates symbolic mathematics. The core functionality of a CAS is manipulation of mathematical expressions in symbolic form. Contents 1 Symbolic manipulations 2 Additional capabilities …   Wikipedia

  • Computer-aided diagnosis — Computer aided detection (CADe) and computer aided diagnosis (CADx) are procedures in medicine that assist doctors in the interpretation of medical images. Imaging techniques in X ray, MRI, and Ultrasound diagnostics yield a great deal of… …   Wikipedia

  • Computer-aided ergonomics — is an engineering discipline using computers to solve complex ergonomic problems involving interaction between the human body and its environment. The human body holds a great complexity thus it can be beneficial to use computers to solve… …   Wikipedia

  • Computer-aided — or computer assisted is a prefix that hints to the use of a computer as an indispensable tool in a certain field, usually derived from more traditional fields of science and engineering. Instead of the prefix computer aided or computer assisted,… …   Wikipedia

  • Computer-aided lean management — Computer aided lean management, in business management, is a methodology of developing and using software controlled, lean systems integration. Its goal is to drive innovation towards cost and cycle time savings. It attempts to create an… …   Wikipedia

  • Computer Aided Facility Management — (CAFM) bzw. rechnergestütztes Anlagenmanagement ist die Unterstützung des Facility Managements durch die Informationstechnik in Form eines Computerprogramms, welches aus einer Datenbank und einer Anwenderoberfläche besteht. Dabei stehen die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Computer-aided facility management — (CAFM) ist die Unterstützung des Facility Managements durch die Informationstechnik in Form eines Computerprogramms, welches aus einer Datenbank und einer Anwenderoberfläche besteht. Dabei stehen die Bereitstellung von Informationen über die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Computer-aided auscultation — (CAA) is a clinical decision support system, which is designed to assist physicians and other health professionals with decision making tasks when assessing a heart murmur.[1] The need for computer aided auscultation is increasing as the… …   Wikipedia

  • Computer-aided maintenance — (not to be confused with CAM which usually stands for Computer Aided Manufacturing) refers to systems that utilize software to organize planning, scheduling and support of maintenance and repair. A common application of such systems is the… …   Wikipedia

  • Computer-aided scouting — Computer Aided Scouting : While human scouts are far more recognized throughout the history of sports. Computer Aided Scouts are beginning to have success ratio that rival its human counterpart. The initial intent of computer aided scouting… …   Wikipedia

  • Computer-aided process planning — (CAPP) is the use of computer technology to aid in the process planning of a part or product, in manufacturing. CAPP is the link between CAD and CAM in that it provides for the planning of the process to be used in producing a designed part. [1]… …   Wikipedia

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