- compressive strain
- деформация сжатия
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
compressive strain — gniuždymo deformacija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. compressive strain vok. Druckverformung, f rus. деформация сжатия, f pranc. déformation de compression, f; déformation due à la compression, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Linear (tensile or compressive) strain — Linear (tensile or compressive) strain. См. Линейная (сжимающая или растягивающая) деформация. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) … Словарь металлургических терминов
относительные горизонтальные деформации растяжения или сжатия земной поверхности (массива горных пород) ( horizontal tensile or compressive strain) — 3.24 относительные горизонтальные деформации растяжения или сжатия земной поверхности (массива горных пород) ( horizontal tensile or compressive strain): Деформации земной поверхности (массива горных пород) в горизонтальной плоскости, вызванные… … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
Strain engineering — refers to a general strategy employed in semiconductor manufacturing to enhance device performance. Performance benefits are achieved by modulating strain in the transistor channel, which enhances electron mobility (or hole mobility) and thereby… … Wikipedia
Compressive strength — is the capacity of a material or structure to withstand axially directed pushing forces. When the limit of compressive strength is reached, materials are crushed. Concrete can be made to have high compressive strength, e.g. many concrete… … Wikipedia
strain — strain1 strainingly, adv. strainless, adj. strainlessly, adv. /strayn/, v.t. 1. to draw tight or taut, esp. to the utmost tension; stretch to the full: to strain a rope. 2. to exert to the utmost: to strain one s ears to catch a sound. 3. to… … Universalium
Stress–strain curve — During testing of a material sample, the stress–strain curve is a graphical representation of the relationship between stress, derived from measuring the load applied on the sample, and strain, derived from measuring the deformation of the sample … Wikipedia
High strain dynamic testing — is a method of testing deep foundations to obtain information about their capacity and integrity, and in some cases, to monitor their installation. It is codified by D4945 00 Standard Test Method for High Strain Dynamic Testing of Piles. High… … Wikipedia
Work hardening — Work hardening, also known as strain hardening or cold working, is the strengthening of a metal by plastic deformation. This strengthening occurs because of dislocation movements within the crystal structure of the material.[1] Any material with… … Wikipedia
Deformation (mechanics) — This article is about deformation in mechanics. For the term s use in engineering, see Deformation (engineering). Deformation in continuum mechanics is the transformation of a body from a reference configuration to a current configuration.[1] A… … Wikipedia
Solid solution strengthening — is a type of alloying that can be used to improve the strength of a pure metal. The technique works by adding atoms of one element (the alloying element) to the crystalline lattice another element (the base metal). The alloying element diffuses… … Wikipedia