- combined stress
- сложное напряжение
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Combined stress — Combined stress. См. Сложные напряжения. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) … Словарь металлургических терминов
Stress (mechanics) — Continuum mechanics … Wikipedia
Stress (physics) — Stress is a measure of the average amount of force exerted per unit area. It is a measure of the intensity of the total internal forces acting within a body across imaginary internal surfaces, as a reaction to external applied forces and body… … Wikipedia
Stress (biological) — Stress is a biological term which refers to the consequences of the failure of a human or animal body to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats to the organism, whether actual or imagined. [ The Stress of Life , Hans Selye, 1956.] … Wikipedia
Combined drug intoxication — (CDI), also known as multiple drug intake (MDI) or lethal polydrug/polypharmacy intoxication, is an unnatural cause of human death. While it is sometimes reported as a simple overdose , it is distinct in that it is due to the simultaneous use of… … Wikipedia
Stress-energy-momentum pseudotensor — In the theory of general relativity, a stress energy momentum pseudotensor, such as the Landau Lifshitz pseudotensor, is an extension of the non gravitational stress energy tensor which incorporates the energy momentum of gravity. It allows the… … Wikipedia
Stress (biology) — This article is about the concept of stress in relation to biology. . For the concept of stress in physics and mechanics, see Stress (mechanics). Stress is a term in psychology and biology, borrowed from physics and engineering and first used in… … Wikipedia
Stress test, pharmacologic — There are a diversity of pharmacologic stress tests. Here this refers specifically to a pharmacologic cardiac stress test in which certain medications are administered that stimulate the heart to mimic the physiologic effects of exercise. One of… … Medical dictionary
Stress test, physiologic — Although there can be a diversity of physiologic stress tests, this refers here to a physiologic cardiac stress test in which certain medications are administered that stimulate the heart to mimic the physiologic effects of exercise. One of these … Medical dictionary
stress corrosion — the combined action of a specific corrodant and applied stresses that may result in spontaneous cracking of some metals … Mechanics glossary
heat stress — combined effect of heat plus humidity … English contemporary dictionary