- comb of a roof
- конёк крыши
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Roof comb — (or roof comb) is the structure that tops a pyramid in monumental Mesoamerican architecture. Examination of the decorations and iconography of Maya civilization roof combs indicates that each icon had specific sacred meanings. [cite web… … Wikipedia
Comb over — This variant of the comb over was patented in 1977. A comb over or combover is a hairstyle worn by bald or balding men in which the hair on one side of the head is grown long and then combed over the bald area to minimize the display of baldness … Wikipedia
comb — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English camb; akin to Old High German kamb comb, Greek gomphos tooth Date: before 12th century 1. a. a toothed instrument used especially for adjusting, cleaning, or confining hair b. a structure… … New Collegiate Dictionary
comb — comb1 combless, adj. comblessness, n. /kohm/, n. 1. a toothed strip of plastic, hard rubber, bone, wood, or metal, used for arranging the hair, untangling it, or holding it in place. 2. a currycomb. 3. any comblike instrument, object, or… … Universalium
Comb Wash — Coordinates: 37°19′55″N 109°39′47″W / 37.332°N 109.663°W / 37.332; 109.663 … Wikipedia
roof — n. & v. n. (pl. roofs or disp. rooves) 1 a the upper covering of a building, usu. supported by its walls. b the top of a covered vehicle. c the top inner surface of an oven, refrigerator, etc. 2 the overhead rock in a cave or mine etc. 3 the… … Useful english dictionary
roof comb — noun or roof crest : a wall rising from the center line of a roof to give an appearance of greater height … Useful english dictionary
roof crest — noun see roof comb … Useful english dictionary
-blast — comb. form Biol. 1 an embryonic cell (erythroblast) (cf. CYTE). 2 a germ layer of an embryo (epiblast). Etymology: Gk blastos sprout * * * ˌblast, aa(ə)st, aist noun combining form ( s) Etymology: New Latin blastus, from Greek blastos; akin to… … Useful english dictionary
Tikal Temple IV — Temple IV at Tikal Tikal Temple IV is a Mesoamerican pyramid in the ruins of the ancient Maya city of Tikal in modern Guatemala. It was one of the tallest and most voluminous buildings in the Maya world.[1] The pyramid was buil … Wikipedia
Tikal Temple V — The north side of Temple V Tikal Temple V is the name given by archaeologists to one of the major pyramids at Tikal. Tikal is one of the most important archaeological sites of the pre Columbian Maya civilization and is located in the Petén… … Wikipedia