- colour contrast
- цветовой контраст
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
colour contrast — noun The perceived change in a colour when surrounded by another colour, used in psychology and tests for colour blindness • • • Main Entry: ↑colour … Useful english dictionary
colour contrast — spalvinis kontrastas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. color contrast; colour contrast vok. farbiger Kontrast, m; Farbkontrast, m rus. цветной контраст, m; цветовой контраст, m pranc. contraste des couleurs, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
colour — /kul euhr/, n., adj. v.t., v.i. Chiefly Brit. color. Usage. See or1. * * * I Aspect of any object that may be described in terms of hue, brightness, and saturation. It is associated with the visible wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, which … Universalium
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound — (CEUS) is the application of ultrasound contrast medium to traditional medical sonography. Ultrasound contrast agents rely on the different ways in which sound waves are reflected from interfaces between substances. This may be the surface of a… … Wikipedia
Colour whist — (Kleurenwiezen in Dutch) is a Belgian variation to the card game whist. In contrast to the normal game of whist, the trump colour is determined by a bidding process rather than being the last card on the stack. The trump is determined during a… … Wikipedia
Colour Blind (2009 film) — For color vision deficiencies, see Color blindness. Colour Blind Directed by Amanda Baker … Wikipedia
contrast — con|trast1 W2 [ˈkɔntra:st US ˈka:ntræst] n 1.) [U and C] a difference between people, ideas, situations, things etc that are being compared ▪ While there are similarities in the two cultures, there are also great contrasts. contrast between ▪ the … Dictionary of contemporary English
contrast — ♦♦♦ contrasts, contrasting, contrasted (The noun is pronounced [[t]kɒ̱ntrɑːst, træst[/t]]. The verb is pronounced [[t]kəntrɑ͟ːst, træ̱st[/t]].) 1) N VAR: oft N between pl n A contrast is a great difference between two or more things which is… … English dictionary
contrast — I UK [ˈkɒntrɑːst] / US [ˈkɑnˌtræst] noun Word forms contrast : singular contrast plural contrasts *** 1) [countable/uncountable] a noticeable difference between people or things contrast between: the contrast between her life before the accident… … English dictionary
Contrast effect — A contrast effect is the enhancement or diminishment, relative to normal, of perception, cognition and related performance as a result of immediately previous or simultaneous exposure to a stimulus of lesser or greater value in the same dimension … Wikipedia
contrast — 1 noun 1 (C, U) a difference between people, ideas, or things etc that are compared (+ between): The contrast between the two sisters surprised him. 2 in contrast/by contrast used when you are comparing objects or situations and saying that they… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English