coated ware

coated ware
глазурованные изделия; эмалированные изделия

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "coated ware" в других словарях:

  • Ware (disambiguation) — Ware can refer to:People* Andre Ware, American football quarterback * Charles Pickard Ware (1849–1921), American educator and folk music transcriber * Charles R. Ware, American naval officer * Caroline F. Ware, American historian and social… …   Wikipedia

  • e|nam|el|ware — «ih NAM uhl WAIR», noun. 1. pots, pans, serving dishes, and the like, that are made of metal coated with enamel: »Baked enamelware in gay colors and designs were ordered by nearly every visitor at his show booth (Wall Street Journal). 2. bathroom …   Useful english dictionary

  • Arretine ware — (also Arezzo ware and, incorrectly, Arrentine ware) is a type of fine Roman pottery coated in a red slip dating to the first centuries AD and BC. It originated in Arretium, the modern day town of Arezzo in Tuscany. Arretine ware vessels were… …   Wikipedia

  • Astbury ware — ▪ pottery  English earthenware produced by John Astbury (Astbury, John) and his son Thomas from about 1725; later a term for fine 18th century Staffordshire earthenware until c. 1760. John Astbury (1688–1743) established a single kiln pottery at… …   Universalium

  • Granite ware — Granite Gran ite (gr[a^]n [i^]t), n. [It. granito granite, adj., grainy, p. p. of granire to make grainy, fr. L. granum grain; cf. F. granit. See {Grain}.] (Geol.) A crystalline, granular rock, consisting of quartz, feldspar, and mica, and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Raqqah ware — ▪ pottery       Islāmic (Islamic arts) earthenware produced at Ar Raqqah, Syria, between the 9th and 14th centuries. The body of the ware, which is white tending to buff, is coated with a siliceous glaze. Designs, sometimes in relief, tend to be… …   Universalium

  • ag|ate|ware — «AG iht WAYR», noun. 1. cooking dishes, cups, or other household utensils made of iron or steel coated with variegated enamel. 2. pottery colored to look like agate …   Useful english dictionary

  • lac|quer|ware — «LAK uhr WAIR», noun. wooden articles coated with lacquer …   Useful english dictionary

  • slip|ware — «SLIHP WAIR», noun. earthenware which is coated with slip, or thinly diluted clay …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sources of ancient Tamil history — There are literary, archaeological, epigraphic and numismatic sources of ancient Tamil history. The foremost among these sources is the Sangam literature, generally dated to the last centuries BCE to early centuries CE. The poems in Sangam… …   Wikipedia

  • Early Pandyan Kingdom — The Early Pandyas of the Sangam period were one of the three main kingdoms of the ancient Tamil country, the other two being the Cholas and the Cheras. As with many other kingdoms around this period (earlier than 200 BCE), most of the information …   Wikipedia

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