- close-coiled
- плотно навитый (о тросе, проводе)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Coiled coil — For the coiled coil shape in general, see Coil. Figure 1: The classic example of a coiled coil is the GCN4 leucine zipper (PDB accession code 1zik), which is a parallel, left handed homodimer. However, many other types of coiled coil exist. A… … Wikipedia
horn — hornish, adj. hornless, adj. hornlessness, n. hornlike, adj. /hawrn/, n. 1. one of the bony, permanent, hollow paired growths, often curved and pointed, that project from the upper part of the head of certain ungulate mammals, as cattle, sheep,… … Universalium
Horn — /hawrn/, n. Cape. See Cape Horn. * * * (as used in expressions) English horn French horn Horn of Africa Horn Cape * * * ▪ musical instrument group French Cor, German … Universalium
European colonization of Arizona — The modern colonization of Arizona started with the arrival of Europeans in 1528. Prior to this time, there were migrations of people in and out of this region. The Europeans undoubtedly brought different tools, plants and cultures which affected … Wikipedia
Twist-on wire connector — Close up of a set of twist on wire connectors … Wikipedia
Hair — For other uses, see Hair (disambiguation). Hairy redirects here. For individuals nicknamed the Hairy , see List of people known as the Hairy. Hair Cross section of a hair Latin unguis … Wikipedia
basketry — /bas ki tree, bah ski /, n. 1. baskets collectively; basketwork. 2. the art or process of making baskets. [1850 55; BASKET + RY] * * * Art and craft of making containers and other objects from interwoven flexible fibres such as grasses, twigs,… … Universalium
pottery — /pot euh ree/, n., pl. potteries. 1. ceramic ware, esp. earthenware and stoneware. 2. the art or business of a potter; ceramics. 3. a place where earthen pots or vessels are made. [1475 85; POTTER1 + Y3] * * * I One of the oldest and most… … Universalium
reproductive system, animal — Introduction any of the organ systems by which animals reproduce. The role of reproduction is to provide for the continued existence of a species; it is the process by which living organisms duplicate themselves. Animals compete with… … Universalium
reptile — reptilelike, adj. reptiloid /rep tl oyd /, adj. /rep til, tuyl/, n. 1. any cold blooded vertebrate of the class Reptilia, comprising the turtles, snakes, lizards, crocodilians, amphisbaenians, tuatara, and various extinct members including the… … Universalium
TACC1 — Transforming, acidic coiled coil containing protein 1, also known as TACC1, is a human gene.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: TACC1 transforming, acidic coiled coil containing protein 1| url = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=gene… … Wikipedia