close approximation

close approximation
хорошее приближение

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "close approximation" в других словарях:

  • close — close1 W1S1 [kləuz US klouz] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(shut)¦ 2¦(move parts together)¦ 3¦(shut for period of time)¦ 4¦(stop operating)¦ 5¦(end)¦ 6 close an account 7¦(in money markets)¦ 8 close a deal/sale/contract etc 9¦(offer finishes)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • approximation — ap‧prox‧i‧ma‧tion [əˌprɒksˈmeɪʆn ǁ əˌprɑːk ] noun [countable] 1. a number, amount etc that is not exact, but is intended to give an idea of the real number, amount etc: • The figures are meant to be an approximation of the costs. 2. something… …   Financial and business terms

  • approximation — [ə präk΄sə mā′shən] n. 1. the act or state of approximating, or coming close 2. an estimate, guess, or mathematical result that is approximately correct or close enough to exactness for a particular purpose …   English World dictionary

  • approximation — (n.) early 15c., act of coming near or close, noun of action from APPROXIMATE (Cf. approximate) (v.). Meaning result of approximating is from 1650s …   Etymology dictionary

  • Approximation theory — In mathematics, approximation theory is concerned with how functions can best be approximated with simpler functions, and with quantitatively characterizing the errors introduced thereby. Note that what is meant by best and simpler will depend on …   Wikipedia

  • Approximation — An approximation (represented by the symbol ≈) is an inexact representation of something that is still close enough to be useful. Although approximation is most often applied to numbers, it is also frequently applied to such things as… …   Wikipedia

  • approximation — ap|prox|i|ma|tion [əˌprɔksıˈmeıʃən US əˌpra:k ] n [U and C] 1.) a number, amount etc that is not exact, but is almost correct = ↑estimate approximation of ▪ an approximation of the total number a rough/crude approximation (=one that is not very… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • approximation — noun Date: 15th century 1. the act or process of drawing together 2. the quality or state of being close or near < an approximation to the truth > < an approximation of justice > 3. something that is approximate; …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • approximation — [[t]əprɒ̱ksɪme͟ɪʃ(ə)n[/t]] approximations 1) N COUNT: oft N of/to n An approximation is a fact, object, or description which is similar to something else, but which is not exactly the same. That is a fair approximation of the way in which the… …   English dictionary

  • close — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun VERB + CLOSE ▪ bring sth to ▪ The chairperson brought the meeting to a close. ▪ come to, draw to ▪ The decade drew to a close with the threat of war hanging over Europe …   Collocations dictionary

  • approximation — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ accurate, close, good, nearest, reasonable ▪ This is the nearest approximation of cost that they can give us. ▪ crude, rough …   Collocations dictionary

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