- clerestory roof
- крыша с фонарём верхнего света
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Clerestory — • A term formerly applied to any window or traceried opening in a church, e. g. in an aisle, tower, cloister, or screen, but now restricted to the windows in an aisled nave, or to the range of wall in which the high windows are set Catholic… … Catholic encyclopedia
Clerestory — The church of St Nicolai, Stralsund. The clerestory is the level between the two green roofs. Clerestory ( … Wikipedia
clerestory — clerestoried, adj. /klear stawr ee, stohr ee/, n., pl. clerestories. 1. Archit. a portion of an interior rising above adjacent rooftops and having windows admitting daylight to the interior. 2. a raised construction, as on the roof of a railroad… … Universalium
roof — Synonyms and related words: Dymaxion house, French roof, M roof, White House, abiding place, abode, address, adobe house, ancestral halls, apex, barrack roof, bonnet, building, bulkhead, cantonment, cap, casa, ceil, ceiling, chamber, chimney… … Moby Thesaurus
clerestory or clearstory — In architecture, this term (spelled either way) refers to a wall of a building which is raised above an adjoining room, and this section of wall has windows. The walls of the nave in a Christian church are higher than the roof over the side… … Glossary of Art Terms
clerestory — also clearstory noun Etymology: Middle English, from clere clear + story Date: 15th century 1. an outside wall of a room or building that rises above an adjoining roof and contains windows 2. gallery … New Collegiate Dictionary
clerestory — Synonyms and related words: entresol, first floor, flat, floor, ground floor, level, mezzanine, mezzanine floor, rez de chaussee, ridgepole, roof, roofpole, rooftop, story, street floor, surface, top, top floor, top side, topside, topsides, upper … Moby Thesaurus
clerestory — upper storey of a church; windows near the roof of a building Ecclesiastical Terms … Phrontistery dictionary
Clerestory — A window located high in a wall near the eaves that allows daylight into a building interior, and may be used for ventilation and solar heat gain. *** A wall with windows that is between two different (roof) levels. The windows are used to… … Energy terms
clerestory — [ klɪəˌstɔ:ri] (US also clearstory) noun (plural clerestories) 1》 the upper part of the nave, choir, and transepts of a large church, containing a series of windows. 2》 a raised section of roof running down the centre of a railway carriage, with… … English new terms dictionary
clerestory — n. windowed part of nave wall rising above aisle roof … Dictionary of difficult words