- clearance height
- габаритная высота
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
clearance height — [1] The distance between the ground and the lowest portion of the bottom of a vehicle (not counting the wheels). Also called ground clearance. [2] The distance between the top of a vehicle and the bottom of a bridge or tunnel which determines… … Dictionary of automotive terms
obstacle-clearance altitude (OCA)/obstacle-clearance height — The lowest altitude or height above the elevation of the relevant runway threshold or the airport elevation as applicable, used in compliance with appropriate obstacle clearance criteria. Obstacle clearance altitude is referenced to mean sea… … Aviation dictionary
height — See clearance height crush height flange height installed height metacentric height ride height section height thread height … Dictionary of automotive terms
Height adjustable suspension — is a feature of certain automobile suspension (vehicle) systems that allow the motorist to vary the ride height or ground clearance. Such a feature requires fairly sophisticated engineering.Height adjustment is most often achieved by air or oil… … Wikipedia
clearance lamp — A light which is mounted on the extreme edges of the roof of a truck to show the maximum height and width of a vehicle. Also called marker lamp … Dictionary of automotive terms
Hydraulic clearance — Hydraulic clearance. Flow in narrow clearances are of vital importance in hydraulic system component design. The flow in a narrow circular clearance of a spool valve can be calculated according to the formula below if the height is negligible… … Wikipedia
Decision Height — DA Unter Entscheidungshöhe versteht man in der Luftfahrt die Höhe über der Schwelle der jeweiligen Landebahn, bei der die Cockpitbesatzung eines anfliegenden Luftfahrzeugs entscheidet, ob der Landeanflug fortgesetzt und mit einer Landung beendet… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ride height — (ground clearance or simply clearance) is the amount of space between the base of an automobile tire and the underside of the chassis; or, more properly, to the shortest distance between a flat, level surface, and any part of a vehicle other than … Wikipedia
Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre — The Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre (BACC) was an NGO which until December 31 2007 pre approved most British television advertising. The work of the BACC has been taken over by Clearcast Ltd.BACC approval was applied both to scripts and to … Wikipedia
obstacle-clearance limit — The height above the airport elevation below which the minimum prescribed vertical clearance cannot be maintained either on approach or in the event of a missed approach … Aviation dictionary
terrain clearance system — A system which provides the pilot, or autopilot, of an aircraft with climb or dive signals such that the aircraft will maintain a selected height over flat ground and clear the peaks of undulating ground within the selected height in a vertical… … Military dictionary