- bleeder
- кран для спуска (воды, масла); предохранительный клапан; амер. отводная труба* * *спускной [стравливающий] клапан- air bleeder
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
bleeder — ► NOUN Brit. informal ▪ a person regarded with contempt, disrespect, or pity: lucky little bleeder! … English terms dictionary
Bleeder — Bleed er, n. (Med.) (a) One who, or that which, draws blood. (b) One in whom slight wounds give rise to profuse or uncontrollable bleeding. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bleeder — 1756, one who lets blood, agent noun from BLEED (Cf. bleed) (v.). As one with hemophilia, from 1803 … Etymology dictionary
bleeder — [blēd′ər] n. 1. a person who draws blood from another 2. a person who bleeds profusely; hemophiliac 3. Electronics a resistor used to regulate the voltage in a power supply, discharge a high voltage capacitor, etc … English World dictionary
Bleeder — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Bleeder Produktionsland Dänemark … Deutsch Wikipedia
bleeder — Originally a euphemism employed in British university circles for ‘bloody fool’, bleeder seems to have rapidly come into low colloquial use at the end of the nineteenth century, especially in the London region. ‘You silly bleeder’ would be a… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
bleeder — /blee deuhr/, n. 1. a person who bleeds abnormally because of low clotting rate; hemophiliac. 2. a person or animal that bleeds easily, esp. an athlete or racehorse. 3. a person who draws blood from a sick person; phlebotomist. 4. Slang. a person … Universalium
bleeder — The valve or screw used to vent the air out of a liquid filled system. See brake bleeder pressure bleeder … Dictionary of automotive terms
bleeder — n. 1 coarse sl. a person (esp. as a term of contempt or disrespect) (you bleeder; lucky bleeder). 2 colloq. a haemophiliac … Useful english dictionary
bleeder valve — bleeder valve, a valve or tap to allow excess fluid, especially fluid under pressure, to be drawn off … Useful english dictionary
Bleeder resistor — A bleeder resistor is a resistor placed in parallel with a high voltage supply for the purposes of discharging the energy stored in the power source s filter capacitors or other components that store electrical energy when the equipment is turned … Wikipedia