- certificate of quality
- сертификат качества
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
certificate of quality — kokybės pažymėjimas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Gamybos ar kitos įmonės išduotas dokumentas, kuriame patvirtinama pradinė apibrėžto kiekio krovinio partijos kokybė. atitikmenys: angl. certificate of quality vok.… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
certificate of quality — A certificate to provide proof that goods to be traded in a commodity market comply with an agreed standard … Big dictionary of business and management
certificate of quality — /səˌtɪfɪkət əv kwɒlɪti/ noun a certificate showing the grade of a soft commodity … Dictionary of banking and finance
Quality Hotel Powerhouse Armidale — (Armidale,Австралия) Категория отеля: категория 4+ Адрес: 31 Marsh Street, 2 … Каталог отелей
Quality Manager — steht: allgemein für die englische Bezeichnung eines Qualitätsmanagers, siehe Qualitätsmanagement speziell für den Leiter Qualitätssystem in einem Luftfahrtunternehmen, siehe Air Operator Certificate Diese Seite ist eine … Deutsch Wikipedia
Certificate of pharmaceutical product — The certificate of pharmaceutical product (abbreviated: CPP or CoPP) is a certificate issued in the format recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), which establishes the status of the pharmaceutical product and of the applicant for… … Wikipedia
Certificate of Entitlement — The Certificate of Entitlement (COE), instituted by the government of Singapore since May 1990, is a program designed to limit car ownership and hence the number of vehicles on the country s roads. This system in effect requires residents of… … Wikipedia
Victorian Certificate of Education — The Victorian Certificate of Education or VCE is the credential awarded to secondary school students who successfully complete high school level studies (Year 11 and 12 or equivalent) in the state of Victoria, Australia. Study for the VCE is… … Wikipedia
National Certificate of Educational Achievement — The National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) is, since 2004, the official secondary school qualification in New Zealand. It has three levels, corresponding to the levels within the National Qualifications Framework, and these are… … Wikipedia
China Compulsory Certificate — The China Compulsory Certificate mark, commonly known as CCC Mark, is a compulsory safety mark for many products sold on the Chinese market. It became effective on May 1, 2002. It is the result of the integration of China s two old compulsory… … Wikipedia
Certified Quality Engineer — Certified Quality Engineer, often abbreviated CQE, is a certification given by the American Society for Quality. These engineers are professionally educated in quality engineering and quality control. They are trained in researching and… … Wikipedia