- centre of mass
- центр инерции, центр масс
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
centre of mass theorem — svorio centro judėjimo teorema statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. centre of mass theorem; theorem of centre of mass vok. Schwerpunktsatz, m rus. теорема о движении центра тяжести, f pranc. théorème du centre de gravité, m; théorème du… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
centre of mass — noun point representing the mean position of the matter in a body • Syn: ↑center of mass • Hypernyms: ↑center, ↑centre, ↑midpoint • Hyponyms: ↑center of buoyancy, ↑centre of buoyancy … Useful english dictionary
centre of mass — noun a point, near, or within a body at which the objects mass can be assumed to be concentrated; it coincides with the centroid for a body of uniform density, and with the centre of gravity in a uniform … Wiktionary
centre of mass — noun that point of a body (or system of bodies) at which its entire mass could be concentrated without changing its linear inertia in any direction. For ordinary bodies near the earth, this point is identical with the centre of gravity …
centre of mass — a point representing the mean position of the matter in a body or system. → centre … English new terms dictionary
theorem of centre of mass — svorio centro judėjimo teorema statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. centre of mass theorem; theorem of centre of mass vok. Schwerpunktsatz, m rus. теорема о движении центра тяжести, f pranc. théorème du centre de gravité, m; théorème du… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
centre — (US center) noun 1》 a point or part in the middle of something that is equally distant from all of its sides, ends, or surfaces. ↘the middle player in some team games. ↘(in some team games) a kick, hit, or throw of the ball from the side… … English new terms dictionary
centre of buoyancy — noun (physics) the center of mass of the immersed part of ship or other floating object • Syn: ↑center of buoyancy, ↑center of immersion, ↑centre of immersion • Topics: ↑physics, ↑natural philosophy … Useful english dictionary
mass — 1. n., v., & adj. n. 1 a coherent body of matter of indefinite shape. 2 a dense aggregation of objects (a mass of fibres). 3 (in sing. or pl.; foll. by of) a large number or amount. 4 (usu. foll. by of) an unbroken expanse (of colour etc.). 5… … Useful english dictionary
Mass — 1. n., v., & adj. n. 1 a coherent body of matter of indefinite shape. 2 a dense aggregation of objects (a mass of fibres). 3 (in sing. or pl.; foll. by of) a large number or amount. 4 (usu. foll. by of) an unbroken expanse (of colour etc.). 5… … Useful english dictionary
centre of inertia — noun a) The centre of mass. b) A point, near or within a body, at which the bodys mass can be assumed to be concentrated when considering its rotational motion and moment of inertia. This may be different from its … Wiktionary