central mixing plant

central mixing plant
бетонный завод

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "central mixing plant" в других словарях:

  • Plant breeding — is the art and science of changing the genetics of plants in order to produce desired characteristics.[1] Plant breeding can be accomplished through many different techniques ranging from simply selecting plants with desirable characteristics for …   Wikipedia

  • plant disease — ▪ plant pathology Introduction       an impairment of the normal state of a plant that interrupts or modifies its vital functions.       All species of plants, wild and cultivated alike, are subject to disease. Although each species is… …   Universalium

  • Concrete plant — American made, portable Model S RexCon concrete plant with 12 yard Rex mixer, Horizontal Mixer, and Aggregate Bins can produce up to 55 loads of concrete per hour …   Wikipedia

  • building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… …   Universalium

  • Uranium mining — The Ranger Uranium Mine in Australia …   Wikipedia

  • PENTATEUCH — This article is arranged according to the following outline: introduction definition outline contents and structure the primeval history the patriarchs the exodus Sinai/Horeb Covenant and Laws the journey Moses Farewell the authors doublets and… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Compressed-air vehicle — The Victor Tatin airplane of 1879 used a compressed air engine for propulsion. Original craft, at Musée de l Air et de l Espace …   Wikipedia

  • Cilincing — is a subdistrict of North Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia. It is the northeastern most Subdistrict of Jakarta. Cakung Drain, part of Jakarta s flood canal, flow through Cilincing to Jakarta Bay. A large area of Cilincing Subdistrict is allotted for… …   Wikipedia

  • Volumetric concrete mixer — The Volumetric Concrete Mixer, (also called a Mobile Mixer) was invented in 1964 by Harold Zimmerman, Ephrata, PA USA. By design, all of the ingredients (sand, stone, water, cement) necessary to produce the concrete desired are stored in separate …   Wikipedia

  • climate — /kluy mit/, n. 1. the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years. 2. a region or… …   Universalium

  • lake — lake1 /layk/, n. 1. a body of fresh or salt water of considerable size, surrounded by land. 2. any similar body or pool of other liquid, as oil. 3. (go) jump in the lake, (used as an exclamation of dismissal or impatience.) [bef. 1000; ME lak(e) …   Universalium

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