cellulose insulation with borates

cellulose insulation with borates
изоляция на основе целлюлозы, производимой из макулатуры и обработанной боратами для придания пожарозащитных и антисептических свойств

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "cellulose insulation with borates" в других словарях:

  • Cellulose insulation — The word cellulose comes from the French word for a living cellule and glucose, which is sugar. Insulation is low thermal conductivity material used to separate the internal climate and sounds of a building from external climate and sounds.… …   Wikipedia

  • Boron — (pronEng|ˈbɔərɒn) is a chemical element with atomic number 5 and the chemical symbol B. Boron is a trivalent nonmetallic element which occurs abundantly in the evaporite ores borax and ulexite. Boron is never found as a free element on… …   Wikipedia

  • Borax — For other uses, see Borax (disambiguation). Sodium borate redirects here. For sodium perborate, see Sodium perborate. Borax …   Wikipedia

  • polymer, inorganic — Introduction  any of a class of large molecules that lack carbon and are polymers that is, made up of many small repeating units called monomers (monomer). The word polymer is derived from the Greek term poly, meaning many, and meros, which means …   Universalium

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