blanket insulation

blanket insulation
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рулонная изоляция

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "blanket insulation" в других словарях:

  • blanket insulation — noun Glass fiber or other compressible fibrous insulation, generally in roll form …   Wiktionary

  • Insulation around water heater —   Blanket insulation wrapped around the water heater to reduce loss of heat. To qualify under this definition, this wrapping must be in addition to any insulation provided by the manufacturer.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information… …   Energy terms

  • Blanket sleeper — The blanket sleeper (also known by many other synonyms and trade names) is a type of especially warm sleeping garment worn primarily during the winter in the United States and Canada. The garment is worn especially by infants and young… …   Wikipedia

  • blanket — blanketless, adj. blanketlike, adj. /blang kit/, n. 1. a large, rectangular piece of soft fabric, often with bound edges, used esp. for warmth as a bed covering. 2. a similar piece of fabric used as a covering for a horse, dog, etc. 3. the chief… …   Universalium

  • Insulation Blanket —   A pre cut layer of insulation applied around a water heater storage tank to reduce standby heat loss from the tank …   Energy terms

  • Insulation —   Materials that prevent or slow down the movement of heat.   ***   Any material or substance that provides a high resistance to the flow of heat from one surface to another. The different types include blanket or batt, foam, or loose fill, which …   Energy terms

  • Multi-layer insulation — Closeup of Multi layer insulation from a satellite. The metal coated plastic layers and the scrim separator are visible. Multi layer insulation, or MLI, is thermal insulation composed of multiple layers of thin sheets often used on spacecraft. It …   Wikipedia

  • Space blanket — A space blanket A space blanket (also known as a Mylar blanket, first aid blanket, emergency blanket, thermal blanket or weather blanket) is a blanket used in emergencies to reduce heat loss in a person s body caused by thermal radiation, water… …   Wikipedia

  • Installing building insulation — Due to the variety of building insulation materials available and the various building elements that may require insulation, there are a number of ways of installing building insulation.Where to insulateWhere to insulate depends on where your… …   Wikipedia

  • Horse blanket — A horse blanket or rug is a blanket or animal coat intended for keeping a horse warm or otherwise protected from wind or other elements. They are tailored to fit around a horse s body from chest to rump, with straps crossing underneath the belly… …   Wikipedia

  • glass fiber insulation — noun blanket or rigid board insulation, composed of glass fibers bound together with a binder, faced or unfaced, used to insulate roofs and walls …   Wiktionary

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