- canopy door
- 1) дверь-навес2) верхнеподвесная дверь; верхнеподвесные ворота (напр. ангара)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
door — doorless, adj. /dawr, dohr/, n. 1. a movable, usually solid, barrier for opening and closing an entranceway, cupboard, cabinet, or the like, commonly turning on hinges or sliding in grooves. 2. a doorway: to go through the door. 3. the building,… … Universalium
Canopy — may refer to: Aircraft canopy, transparent enclosure over aircraft cockpit Baldachin, cloth or permanent architectural feature that hangs over altar or throne as symbol of authority Camper shell, raised, rigid covering for the rear bed of a… … Wikipedia
Canopy — Can o*py (k[a^]n [ o]*p[y^]), n.; pl. {Canopies} ( p[i^]z). [OE. canapie, F. canap[ e] sofa, OF. conop[ e]e, conopeu, conopieu, canopy, vail, pavilion (cf. It. canop[ e] canopy, sofa), LL. conopeum a bed with mosquito curtains, fr. Gr. kwnwpei^on … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
canopy — [kan′ə pē] n. pl. canopies [ME canape < ML canapeum < L conopeum < Gr kōnōpeion, couch with mosquito curtains, dim. of kōnōps, gnat] 1. a drapery, awning, or other rooflike covering fastened above a bed, throne, etc., or held on poles… … English World dictionary
Vehicle canopy — This article is about vehicle canopies. For aircraft canopies, see Aircraft canopy. For other canopies, see Canopy. Lifting canopy on a Sterling Nova. A vehicle canopy is a rarely used type of door for cars. It has no official name so it is also… … Wikipedia
Vehicle door — A 1986 Ford Taurus with its driver side door open. I … Wikipedia
List of cars with unusual door designs — Many cars have door designs which give them a unique look, or which affect their practicality one way or another. This is a list of them, sorted by door type. Butterfly Doors Road Cars*Alfa Romeo 33 Stradale *McLaren F1 *Saleen S7 *Enzo Ferrari… … Wikipedia
Suicide door — A suicide door is a car door that is hinged on the edge closer to the rear of the vehicle, known as the trailing edge. [http://www.chalkhillmedia.org/Museum/historic automotive terms.htm] , Suicide door definition.] [http://www.diseno… … Wikipedia
Sliding door (vehicle) — A Sliding door is a type of door that opens by sliding (usually horizontally), whereby the door is either mounted on or suspended from a track. These aren t usually used in small vehicles, but generally they re most commonly used for minibuses… … Wikipedia
Gull-wing door — ( de. Flügeltüren) is an automotive industry term describing car doors that are hinged at the roof rather than the side, as pioneered by the 1952 Mercedes Benz 300SL race car (W194) and its road legal version (W198) introduced in 1954.Opening… … Wikipedia
Power door locks — Animation of how power lock system works (simple relay operation) Power door locks (also known as electric door locks or central locking) allow the driver or front passenger to simultaneously lock or unlock all the doors of an automobile or truck … Wikipedia