- cambric
- кембрик; лакоткань
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
cambric — cam bric (k[a^]m br[i^]k), n. [OE. camerike, fr. Cambrai (Flemish Kamerik), a city of France (formerly of Flanders), where it was first made.] 1. A fine, thin, and white fabric made of flax or linen. [1913 Webster] He hath ribbons of all the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cambric — (engl., spr. kehm ), s.v.w. Kammertuch (s.d.) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
cambric — late 14c., from Kamerijk, Flemish form of Cambrai, city in northern France where the cloth was originally made, from L. Camaracum. The modern form of the English word has elements from both versions of the name … Etymology dictionary
cambric — meaning a fine white linen, is pronounced kam brik, or sometimes kaym brik … Modern English usage
cambric — ► NOUN ▪ a lightweight, closely woven white linen or cotton fabric. ORIGIN named after the town of Cambrai in northern France; compare with CHAMBRAY(Cf. ↑chambray) … English terms dictionary
cambric — [kām′brik] n. [after Kamerÿk, Fl name of Cambrai, city in N France, where orig. made < L Camaracum] 1. a very fine, thin linen 2. a cotton cloth that is like this … English World dictionary
Cambric — Statue in Cambrai of Baptiste Chambray, the improbable inventor of the eponymous fabrics, batiste and chambray … Wikipedia
cambric — /kaym brik/, n. a thin, plain cotton or linen fabric of fine close weave, usually white. [1520 30; earlier cameryk, after Kameryk, D name of CAMBRAI] * * * ▪ textile lightweight, closely woven, plain cotton cloth first made in Cambrai,… … Universalium
cambric — noun A finely woven fabric made originally from linen but often now from cotton. Scotch cambric, now largely manufactured, is a kind of imitation cambric, made from fine hard twisted cotton. Syn: batiste … Wiktionary
cambric — noun Etymology: Dutch Kamerijk Cambrai, France Date: 1530 1. a fine thin white linen fabric 2. a cotton fabric that resembles cambric … New Collegiate Dictionary
cambric muslin — cambric cam bric (k[a^]m br[i^]k), n. [OE. camerike, fr. Cambrai (Flemish Kamerik), a city of France (formerly of Flanders), where it was first made.] 1. A fine, thin, and white fabric made of flax or linen. [1913 Webster] He hath ribbons of all… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English