- caliber gauge
- калибромер
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
caliber — I (measurement) noun amount, amplitude, area, breadth, broad gauge, broadness, compass, cross dimension, cross measurement, degree, diameter, diameter of a cylindrical body, dimensions, expanse, extent, full size, gauge, girth, grade, magnitude,… … Law dictionary
caliber — [n1] capacity; character ability, appetency, capability, competence, constitution, dignity, distinction, endowment, essence, faculty, force, gifts, habilitation, merit, nature, parts, power, quality, scope, stature, strength, talent, value,… … New thesaurus
Caliber — The term caliber or calibre designates the interior diameter of a tube or the exterior diameter of a wire or rod. It comes from the French calibre , itself from qālib (قالب), Arabic word for mold , itself from kalamoys , Greek word for wooden… … Wikipedia
Gauge (bore diameter) — The Gauge or bore of a shotgun or rifle is a unit of measurement used to express the diameter of the barrel. The gauge or bore of a barrel is equal to the number of solid spheres of lead each having the same diameter as the inside of the barrel… … Wikipedia
Caliber conversion sleeve — A number of different devices exist whose function is to non permanently alter a firearm to allow it to fire a different cartridge than the one it was originally designed to fire. These devices are called by many names, including caliber… … Wikipedia
caliber — noun 1) a man of his caliber Syn: quality, merit, distinction, stature, excellence, preeminence; ability, expertise, talent, capability, capacity, proficiency 2) questions about the caliber of the officiating Syn … Thesaurus of popular words
gauge — 1. noun 1) the temperature gauge Syn: measuring device, measuring instrument, meter, measure; indicator, dial, scale, display 2) exports are an important gauge of economic activity Syn: measure, indicator, bar … Thesaurus of popular words
caliber — noun 1. a degree or grade of excellence or worth (Freq. 2) the quality of students has risen an executive of low caliber • Syn: ↑quality, ↑calibre • Derivationally related forms: ↑qualify ( … Useful english dictionary
gauge — A measuring device. SYN: gage. bite g. SYN: gnathodynamometer. Boley g. a caliper type g. graduated in millimeters used to measure the thickness of various dental materials. catheter g. a metal … Medical dictionary
gauge — Synonyms and related words: Johansson block, T square, adjust, amount, amplitude, appraise, appreciate, area, assay, assess, barometer, basis, benchmark, bigness, body, breadth, bulk, calculate, caliber, calibrate, caliper, calipers, call, canon … Moby Thesaurus
caliber — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. gauge, bore; quality; ability, capability. See size, breadth, intelligence, degree. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A measurement] Syn. diameter, bore, gauge, striking power; see diameter , length 1 ,… … English dictionary for students