cable cord

cable cord
жила кабеля, сердцевина кабеля

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "cable cord" в других словарях:

  • cable — Synonyms and related words: BX cable, Teletype, WATS, WATS line, armored cable, battery cable, bell wire, braid, brail, cablegram, chain, co ax, coaxial cable, concentric cable, cord, day letter, electric cable, electric cord, fast telegram,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Cord — may refer to: String or rope Cord (sewing), a trimming made of multiple strands of yarn twisted together The spinal cord Cord Automobile, a former American car marque founded by Errett Lobban Cord The cord (volume), used to measure firewood In… …   Wikipedia

  • cord — [kôrd] n. [ME & OFr corde < L chorda < Gr chordē, catgut, chord, cord < IE base * gher , intestine > YARN] 1. a thick string or thin rope 2. any force acting as a tie or bond 3. [from use of a cord in measuring] a measure of wood cut… …   English World dictionary

  • Cable management — refers to an important step during the installation of building services (ie electrical services) and the subsequent installation of equipment providing means to tidily secure electrical, data, and other cables. The term is often used… …   Wikipedia

  • Cable lacing — is a method for tying wiring harnesses and cable looms, traditionally used in telecommunication, naval, and aerospace applications. This old cable management technique, taught to generations of linemen, is still used in some modern applications… …   Wikipedia

  • Cable dressing — ensures that cables used in a telecommunications facility are neatly arranged. Cable ties, cable channels and waxed lacing cord are used to accomplish this …   Wikipedia

  • cord|less — «KRD lihs», adjective. without a cord, especially without an electric cable: »A cordless electric clock that works off a battery (Science News Letter) …   Useful english dictionary

  • cable — cablelike, adj. /kay beuhl/, n., v., cabled, cabling. n. 1. a heavy, strong rope. 2. a very strong rope made of strands of metal wire, as used to support cable cars or suspension bridges. 3. a cord of metal wire used to operate or pull a… …   Universalium

  • cord — corder, n. cordlike, adj. /kawrd/, n. 1. a string or thin rope made of several strands braided, twisted, or woven together. 2. Elect. a small, flexible, insulated cable. 3. a ribbed fabric, esp. corduroy. 4. a cordlike rib on the surface of cloth …   Universalium

  • cord — noun 1 string/rope ADJECTIVE ▪ thick, thin ▪ long, short ▪ strong ▪ elastic, leather …   Collocations dictionary

  • cord — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. string, rope, band, bond, twine; tendon; cable. See filament, connection. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Twine] Syn. string, cordage, fiber; see rope . 2. [A tendon] Syn. sinew, ligament, vinculum, thew,… …   English dictionary for students

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