bucket wheel

bucket wheel
черпательное, водоотливное колесо; лопастное колесо (насоса)

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "bucket wheel" в других словарях:

  • Bucket-wheel excavator — Bucket wheel excavators are heavy equipment used in surface mining and civil engineering. They are among the largest vehicles ever constructed, and the biggest bucket wheel excavator ever built, the MAN Takraf RB293, is the largest terrestrial… …   Wikipedia

  • bucket-wheel — buckˈet wheel noun A contrivance for raising water by means of buckets attached to the circumference of a wheel • • • Main Entry: ↑bucket …   Useful english dictionary

  • bucket wheel — noun : a wheel having buckets attached to its rim or to a rope or chain passing over it (as for raising water) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Bucket (machine part) — For other uses, see Bucket (disambiguation) and Scoop. A bucket (also called a scoop to qualify shallower designs of tools) is a specialized container attached to a machine, as compared to a bucket adapted to the form of a human being. It is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Bucket — Buck et, n. [OE. boket; cf. AS. buc pitcher, or Corn. buket tub.] 1. A vessel for drawing up water from a well, or for catching, holding, or carrying water, sap, or other liquids. [1913 Webster] The old oaken bucket, the iron bound bucket, The… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bucket — n. pl. bucketfuls [buk′it] n. [ME boket < Anglo Fr buket, dim. of OE buc, pitcher, bulging vessel, orig., belly < IE * bhou , var. of base * bheu : see BIG] 1. a deep, round container with a flat bottom and a curved handle, used to hold or… …   English World dictionary

  • bucket — /buk it/, n., v., bucketed, bucketing. n. 1. a deep, cylindrical vessel, usually of metal, plastic, or wood, with a flat bottom and a semicircular bail, for collecting, carrying, or holding water, sand, fruit, etc.; pail. 2. anything resembling… …   Universalium

  • bucket — /ˈbʌkət / (say bukuht) noun 1. a vessel, usually round with flat bottom and a semicircular handle, for carrying water, sand, etc. 2. anything resembling or suggesting this. 3. one of the scoops attached to or forming the endless chain in certain… …  

  • bucket — buck•et [[t]ˈbʌk ɪt[/t]] n. 1) a deep, cylindrical container, usu. of metal, plastic, or wood, with a flat bottom and a semicircular bail 2) a) mac any of the scoops in certain types of conveyors or elevators b) mac the scoop or clamshell of a… …   From formal English to slang

  • bucket — n. & v. n. 1 a a roughly cylindrical open container, esp. of metal, with a handle, used for carrying, drawing, or holding water etc. b the amount contained in this (need three buckets to fill the bath). 2 (in pl.) large quantities of liquid, esp …   Useful english dictionary

  • Fire bucket — Bucket Buck et, n. [OE. boket; cf. AS. buc pitcher, or Corn. buket tub.] 1. A vessel for drawing up water from a well, or for catching, holding, or carrying water, sap, or other liquids. [1913 Webster] The old oaken bucket, the iron bound bucket …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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