- bubbler fountain
- питьевой фонтан
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
bubbler — ☆ bubbler [bub′lər] n. a drinking fountain in which water is forced up in a small arc from a nozzle … English World dictionary
fountain — [n] source, often of liquid bubbler, cause, font, fount, geyser, gush, inception, inspiration, jet, lode, mainspring, mine, origin, play, provenance, provenience, pump, reservoir, root, spout, spray, spring, stream, well, wellhead, wellspring;… … New thesaurus
Bubbler — This article is about the drinking fountain. For other uses, see Bubbler (disambiguation). A typical bubbler Bubbler is a trademarked name that refers to what some may call a drinking fountain. Contents 1 H … Wikipedia
bubbler — /ˈbʌblə / (say bubluh) noun Especially NSW and Qld a small fountain which ejects a jet of water into the drinker s mouth: *All you had to do was turn the tap and bend your pursed lips to the bubbler. –clive james, 1980. Compare Chiefly Victoria… …
bubbler — n. 1) Water fountain. I m going to get a drink at the bubbler. 2) Water fountain. This has been submitted and is in the dictionary, but I would add that, as far as I know, this is another Rhode Island only term, like cabinet. Get a drink of water … Dictionary of american slang
bubbler — n. 1) Water fountain. I m going to get a drink at the bubbler. 2) Water fountain. This has been submitted and is in the dictionary, but I would add that, as far as I know, this is another Rhode Island only term, like cabinet. Get a drink of water … Dictionary of american slang
fountain — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. spring, jet, spray; fount, source. See cause, water. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A source] Syn. origin, well, spring, font; see origin 2 . 2. [A jet of water] Syn. spray, jet, stream, spring, gush, bubbler … English dictionary for students
fountain — /ˈfaʊntən/ (say fowntuhn) noun 1. a spring or source of water; the source or head of a stream. 2. the source or origin of anything. 3. a jet or stream of water (or other liquid) made by mechanical means to spout or rise from an opening or… …
bubbler — noun 1. a public fountain to provide a jet of drinking water • Syn: ↑drinking fountain, ↑water fountain • Derivationally related forms: ↑bubble • Hypernyms: ↑fountain 2. any of various devices in which air or some other gas is bubbled … Useful english dictionary
bubbler — noun a) Any device that creates a bubbling action. b) A drinking fountain. Syn: drinking fountain, water fountain, bong … Wiktionary
bubbler — noun Date: 1914 1. a drinking fountain from which a stream of water bubbles upward 2. one that bubbles … New Collegiate Dictionary