- broadleaf wood
- древесина лиственных пород
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Broadleaf — Broad leaf , n. (Bot.) A tree ({Terminalia latifolia}) of Jamaica, the wood of which is used for boards, scantling, shingles, etc; sometimes called the {almond tree}, from the shape of its fruit. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Wood-burning stove — For a list of stove types see Stove (disambiguation). A wood burning stove is a heating appliance capable of burning wood fuel and wood derived biomass fuel. Generally the appliance consists of a solid metal (usually cast iron or steel) closed… … Wikipedia
wood thrush — a large thrush, Hylocichla mustelina, common in woodlands of eastern North America, and noted for its melodious song. See illus. under thrush1. [1785 95] * * * One of the 11 species of thrushes (in the genus Hylocichla, or Catharus) called… … Universalium
Japanese Wood Pigeon — Conservation status Near Threatened ( … Wikipedia
Maulden Wood — Maulden Wood, with a Trail information board, near the A6 lay by north of Clophill. Maulden Wood is a woodland situated in Bedfordshire, England, near the village of Maulden, on the greensand ridge that stretches from Woburn to … Wikipedia
lifestyle — The term will be familiar to modern readers in the meaning given in the Concise Oxford Dictionary (2006): ‘the way in which a person lives’, although it has a much older, specialized meaning introduced to the language of psychology by the… … Modern English usage
almond tree — Broadleaf Broad leaf , n. (Bot.) A tree ({Terminalia latifolia}) of Jamaica, the wood of which is used for boards, scantling, shingles, etc; sometimes called the {almond tree}, from the shape of its fruit. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Terminalia latifolia — Broadleaf Broad leaf , n. (Bot.) A tree ({Terminalia latifolia}) of Jamaica, the wood of which is used for boards, scantling, shingles, etc; sometimes called the {almond tree}, from the shape of its fruit. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Forest — This article is about a community of trees. For other uses, see Forest (disambiguation). A conifer forest in the Swiss Alps (National Park) … Wikipedia
Deforestation — For other uses, see Deforestation (disambiguation). Jungle burned for agriculture in southern Mexico … Wikipedia
Agathis australis — Conservation status Conservation Dependent ( … Wikipedia