
уложенный плашмя кирпич

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "brick-on-bed" в других словарях:

  • Bed — Bed, n. [AS. bed, bedd; akin to OS. bed, D. bed, bedde, Icel. be?r, Dan. bed, Sw. b[ a]dd, Goth. badi, OHG. betti, G. bett, bette, bed, beet a plat of ground; all of uncertain origin.] 1. An article of furniture to sleep or take rest in or on; a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bed of justice — Bed Bed, n. [AS. bed, bedd; akin to OS. bed, D. bed, bedde, Icel. be?r, Dan. bed, Sw. b[ a]dd, Goth. badi, OHG. betti, G. bett, bette, bed, beet a plat of ground; all of uncertain origin.] 1. An article of furniture to sleep or take rest in or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bed — [bed] n. [ME & OE < IE base * bhedh , to dig > Ger bett, L fossa, ditch, W bedd, Bret béz, a grave; orig. sense “a sleeping hollow in the ground”] 1. a thing for sleeping or resting on; specif., a piece of furniture consisting usually of a… …   English World dictionary

  • Bed and breakfast — Bed and breakfast, also known as B B, is a term, originating in the United Kingdom, but now also used all over the world, for an establishment that offers accommodation and breakfast, but usually does not offer other meals. Typically, bed and… …   Wikipedia

  • Brick Mason — est un storyboarder américain né en 1954. On le retrouve souvent aux côtés de M. Night Shyamalan. Filmographie 1984 : Maria s Lovers 1985 : Seven Minutes in Heaven 1986 : The Manhattan Project 1986 : Hoosiers 1987 : My… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • bed — bedless, adj. bedlike, adj. /bed/, n., v., bedded, bedding. n. 1. a piece of furniture upon which or within which a person sleeps, rests, or stays when not well. 2. the mattress and bedclothes together with the bedstead of a bed. 3. the bedstead… …   Universalium

  • bed — [[t]bɛd[/t]] n. v. bed•ded, bed•ding 1) fur a piece of furniture upon which or within which a person sleeps, rests, or stays when not well 2) fur the mattress and bedclothes together with the bedstead of a bed 3) fur the bedstead alone 4) the act …   From formal English to slang

  • bed — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English bedd; akin to Old High German betti bed, Latin fodere to dig Date: before 12th century 1. a. a piece of furniture on or in which to lie and sleep b. (1) a place of sex relations (2) marital… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Brick — For other uses, see Brick (disambiguation). An old brick wall in English bond laid with alternating courses of headers and stretchers …   Wikipedia

  • bed — /bɛd / (say bed) noun 1. a piece of furniture upon which or within which a person sleeps. 2. the mattress and bedclothes together with the bedstead. 3. the bedstead alone. 4. the use of a bed for the night; lodging. 5. a place for sexual… …  

  • From bed and board — Bed Bed, n. [AS. bed, bedd; akin to OS. bed, D. bed, bedde, Icel. be?r, Dan. bed, Sw. b[ a]dd, Goth. badi, OHG. betti, G. bett, bette, bed, beet a plat of ground; all of uncertain origin.] 1. An article of furniture to sleep or take rest in or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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