- brick pavement
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Brick — For other uses, see Brick (disambiguation). An old brick wall in English bond laid with alternating courses of headers and stretchers … Wikipedia
pavement — [pāv′mənt] n. [OFr < L < pavimentum < pavire, to beat: see PAVE] 1. a paved surface or covering, as of concrete, brick, etc.; specif., a) a paved street or road b) Brit. a sidewalk 2. the material used in paving … English World dictionary
pavement — pavemental /payv men tl/, adj. /payv meuhnt/, n. 1. a paved road, highway, etc. 2. a paved surface, ground covering, or floor. 3. a material used for paving. 4. Atlantic States and Brit. sidewalk. 5. pound the pavement, Informal. to walk the… … Universalium
pavement — A hard substance applied to the surface of the ground, especially the substance, usually cement or asphalt, applied to street or highway so as to make a convenient surface for travel. Cedar Rapids v Cedar Rapids & Marion City Railway Co. 108 Iowa … Ballentine's law dictionary
brick — Synonyms and related words: Tarmac, Tarvia, adamant, adobe, ashlar, asphalt, biscuit, bisque, bitumen, bituminous macadam, blacktop, block, board, bone, bowl, bricks and mortar, buddy, cement, ceramic ware, ceramics, china, chum, chunk, clapboard … Moby Thesaurus
pavement — Synonyms and related words: Tarmac, Tarvia, adobe, ashlar, asphalt, base, basement, basis, bearing wall, bed, bedding, bedrock, bitumen, bituminous macadam, blacktop, brick, bricks and mortar, carpet, carpeting, cement, clinker, cobble,… … Moby Thesaurus
pavement — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. paving; road, street, sidewalk; macadam, asphalt, cement, tar, concrete, tile, bricks, stone, flagging, cobbles, pave stone, paving blocks, flagstone. See covering. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A hard… … English dictionary for students
pavement — n 1. paved road, highway, thoroughfare, causeway; sidewalk, pave 2. macadam, asphalt, concrete, cement; tar, pitch; cobblestones, flagstones, flagging, brick, stonework … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
paving brick — noun : a vitrified clay brick slightly larger than building brick and used in the construction of pavement surfaces … Useful english dictionary
lug brick — noun Etymology: lug (IV) : paving brick having lugs on one side and one end to control the space between adjacent bricks when laid in a pavement … Useful english dictionary
vertical-fiber brick — noun : a wire cut vitrified paving brick laid in a pavement with a wire cut face up … Useful english dictionary