boring bit

boring bit
1) коронка (буровая)
2) сверло
3) расточный резец

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "boring bit" в других словарях:

  • boring bit — noun : a steel cutter bit to be supported by a boring bar inside a hole (as the bore of a large gun) in process of enlargement …   Useful english dictionary

  • BIT — (binary digit) Contraction de l’expression anglaise binary digit (chiffre binaire), le terme bit prend en informatique trois significations différentes. Puisqu’on se trouve ici dans un système de numération à base 2, deux symboles (habituellement …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • bit — bit1 W1S1 [bıt] adv, pron ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(only slightly)¦ 2¦(amount)¦ 3¦(quite a lot)¦ 4¦(time/distance)¦ 5 a bit of a something 6 not a bit/not one bit 7 every bit as important/bad/good etc 8 bit by bit 9 a/one bit at a time …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • bit gauge — noun Etymology: bit (I) : a device attached to the shank of a drilling or boring bit to control the depth of the hole * * * Carpentry. a device for stopping a bit when it has reached a desired depth. Also called bit stop …   Useful english dictionary

  • boring tool — noun : a boring bit with its supporting boring bar and arbor, used to enlarge and accurately finish a large bore previously formed by casting or otherwise …   Useful english dictionary

  • bit — Ⅰ. bit [1] ► NOUN 1) a small piece or quantity. 2) (a bit) a short time or distance. 3) (also bit of fluff or stuff) informal a girl or young woman. ● a bit …   English terms dictionary

  • bit — bit1 [bit] n. [ME < OE bite, a bite < bītan, BITE] 1. the part of a bridle that goes into a horse s mouth, used to control the horse: see BRIDLE 2. anything that curbs or controls 3. the part of a pipestem held in the mouth: see PIPE 4. th …   English World dictionary

  • Bit — Bit, n. [OE. bite, AS. bita, fr. b[=i]tan to bite; akin to D. beet, G. bissen bit, morsel, Icel. biti. See {Bite}, v., and cf. {Bit} part of a bridle.] 1. A part of anything, such as may be bitten off or taken into the mouth; a morsel; a bite.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bit|stock — «BIHT STOK», noun. the handle for holding and turning a bit in drilling or boring holes; a brace …   Useful english dictionary

  • bit — bit1 bitless, adj. /bit/, n., v., bitted, bitting. n. 1. Mach. a. a removable drilling or boring tool for use in a brace, drill press, or the like. b. a removable boring head used on certain kinds of drills, as a rock drill. c. a device for… …   Universalium

  • bit — noun (esp. BrE) 1 a bit small amount ADJECTIVE ▪ little, teensy (informal), wee (esp. BrE) ▪ He helped me a little bit in the afternoon. PHRASES ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

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