- boom arm
- стойка стрелы, мачта стрелы
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
boom arm — TV A bar extending horizontally from the top of a boom or tripod on which a camera can be mounted. Enables simultaneous horizontal, pivoting and vertical movement of thecamera Boom arm moves can combine panning, tilting and booming (pedding) in… … Audio and video glossary
boom arm — /ˈbum am/ (say boohm ahm) noun → boom2 (def. 5) …
boom — TV (verb) (ped) Vertical camera move (“boom up,” “boom down”) often making use of a“boom” or boom arm … Audio and video glossary
Boom barrier — Boom barriers at a railway crossing in Australia … Wikipedia
Boom — may refer to:Pole or spar application* Boom (sailing), spar at the foot of a sail on a sailboat * Boom (windsurfing), a wishbone shaped piece of windsurfing equipment * Boom barrier, a barrier used to block vehicular access through a controlled… … Wikipedia
Boom FM — Création 1er mai 2003 Propriétaire Astral Radio Slogan « La Radio Des Légendes » Langue Français et … Wikipédia en Français
boom — Ⅰ. boom [1] ► NOUN ▪ a loud, deep, resonant sound. ► VERB ▪ make this sound. DERIVATIVES booming adjective boomy adjective. ORIGIN imitative; perhaps from Dutch bommen to hum, buzz … English terms dictionary
boom — a traveling or moveable counter balanced pole (also called fishpole or fishing rod), arm, or telescoped extension device upon which a microphone, light or camera can be suspended overhead above a scene and outside the frame during filming (by a … Glossary of cinematic terms
boom — I. /bum / (say boohm) verb (i) 1. to make a deep, prolonged, resonant sound; make a rumbling, humming, or droning noise. 2. to move with a resounding rush or great impetus. 3. to progress or flourish vigorously, as a business, a city, etc. –verb… …
Boom operator (military) — In the USAF the position of boom operator is a position held by an enlisted aviator, (rank Airman Basic through Chief Master Sergeant) who is responsible for safely and effectively refueling other aircraft while in flight. The official Air Force… … Wikipedia
Boom — F/A/V A telescoping arm for a camera or microphone which might be available in a variety of sizes from the very small handheld types to the very large, which might be transported as an integral part of a motor vehicle. (Production) FilmM a pole… … Audio and video glossary